A report reveals a surprisingly high rate of slavery in developed countries


UNITED NATIONS – Yeonmi Park presents herself as a former slave of North Korea. She had never seen a map of the world. She almost died of hunger. After undergoing anesthesia surgery without anesthesia at the age of 13, she saw human bodies piled up outside the hospital, eyes starved by rats.

Convinced that she would die in North Korea, she says The mother fled to China, where human traffickers sold her for $ 200. Two years later, after escaping across the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, Ms. Park found refuge in South Korea. She has no idea what happened to her North Korean parents, Park said.

"The scariest thing for me tonight, crossing the desert," she said, "has been forgotten.Noone knows that I have existed in this world."

Ms . Park, 24, a student at Columbia University in New York, Thursday recalled her ordeal at a press conference held at the United Nations to publish a new poll on modern slavery. and sexual exploitation

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