A row at the commission: Piotrowicz interrupted Bondar and ended the meeting


P Since Wednesday's meeting of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Ombudsman Adam Bodnar reported on his activities and on the respect of human rights. the man in Poland in 2017. He preached, but he did not give. The debate on the Constitutional Court, which Stanisław Piotrowicz was unable to accept

– We noticed changes in the composition of the Constitutional Court so that no separate opinion would emerge. This was one of the reasons for the withdrawal of certain conclusions of the Constitutional Court – Adam Jürnar spoke about the meeting between the activities of the Ombudsman and the Constitutional Court.

The Ombudsman also raised serious doubts as to the independence of the court. – I believe that in cases with a deep political interest, we can not rely on the independence of the Constitutional Court. This is related to the arbitration of people who, in my opinion, do not have the right,

Such an "attack" could not go unnoticed. Committee chairman Stanisław Piotrowicz immediately reacted, which did not appeal to these statements. Anyway, just like Krystyna Pawłowicz

– We are in Poland, in a sovereign state , horrified that such content is from the mouth of a representative of constitutional power. Your speech is a political manifesto. The Lord does not represent the citizens! – he said, and then decided … to finish the meeting of the committee, regardless of the lack of answers to questions asked to the Ombudsman.

In his speech, Adam Bodnar addressed not only the question of the Constitutional Court. There have also been "numerous cases of violation of human rights and freedoms" in Poland, caused by confusion and changes in the administration of justice. There was also the issue of defending the rights of citizens and funding the office of the ombudsman.

source: tvn24.pl

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