A shocking judgment of the Wrocław Court of Appeal. Ziobro intervenes


  • Artur B. was in hiding for almost four years. In the meantime, he appeared in the girl's house and stabbed her grandfather with a knife
  • . The Court of Appeal reduced her sentence to 7 years. This means that he will be able to free himself after 3-4 years
  • "I personally assure myself that an appeal will be filed against this case." Crimes against children deserve to be condemned "- announces Zbigniew Ziobro

More than a year Gehenna

They lived under one roof in the village near Trzebnica – Klaudia with his mother and his brothers and sisters, his grandparents and aunt with a partner, Artur B. The family, despite its large number, could not save the daughter from misfortune [19659006] Artur B. came to Klaudia when he was there no other members of the household.He forced the child to a transgressive sex.C Claudia later described that the uncle held it with strong hands of men then that she was struggling and kicking him.He announced that when the girl would grow up, he would do even more with her.

The girl's hell lasted more than one year. It would have been longer if it had not been coincidentally

Heroic Friend

In late February and March 2011, Klaudia became ill and was She was hospitalized and spent long days in the hospital ward with teenage girl Magda. She began to confess to her newly met friend. She recounted the horror that her uncle gave her. She describes the horrors to which he forced her in detail

A hospital boyfriend promised Klaudia not to reveal his secret to anyone. But the sufferings of the girl left her alone, even when Klaudia left the hospital. She saw that the girl was returning to the house where the executioner was waiting for her.

What she learned from Claudia was described in an anonymous letter. She pushed him under the pillow while she was leaving the hospital herself. The letter was found by a doctor. From that moment, things went quickly. The hospital informed the prosecutor's office and the investigation opened the horrible stories of Klaudia

Pedophile with knife

When Artur B. realized that the case of his hideous crime had already been discovered, he took his belongings from Klaudia's family home and escaped. He came back after a while. With a knife in his hand. He rushed with him the grandfather of the girl who did not want to let him in. He drove the knife around his neck. The old man was lucky to have survived.

A warrant was sent to Arthur B. He was captured only after almost four years. And they were put on the dock – for pedophilia, raping a child and attacking with a knife. In February of this year, the Wrocław District Court announced a sentence – 13 years in prison

A shocking verdict

The girl's executioner appealed the verdict. Indeed. Despite the horrible crime that he committed, and despite the fact that he was hiding, the Wrocław Court of Appeal pronounced a scandalously mild sentence at the end of June – he said that the pedophile would be enough for seven years behind bars. This means that if he behaves well in prison, he can be released in 3-4 years.

The Minister of Justice does not agree with this verdict. – Anyone who harms a child in such a dreadful way must take into account the most serious consequences. The kindness of the court can not provoke other writers and convince them that they will be treated with relief. Personally, I will ensure that there is an appeal in cassation against the verdict in this case. Crimes committed against children deserve to be condemned and sentenced to long sentences, not the grace of the judiciary – Zbigniew Ziobro tells us

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