A stork pierced by an arrow in Świętokrzyskie. You can not catch the ecologists


The stork was seen in the village of Wilczkowice, in the province of iwiętokrzyskie. The bird seems to be in good shape. However, the shot must be removed as soon as possible. According to environmentalists, catching a stork will only be possible when it falters. Then he will be helped.

facebook.com/Birding Poland / Adam Nowak

"Despite this macabre memory of a hunting lover, he seems to be in good condition at the moment and returns to the pole every night, where locals watch him, we do not know not if the incident took place in Poland "- written on the Facebook profile of Birding Poland.

The case is also reported to the fanpage bociany.pl, adding that the bird was noticed a few days ago

As added, the arrow should be removed as soon as possible. "The stork, however, does not want to cooperate … and be caught, and if it weakens, it will be possible to help" – noted.

The bird could have been shot when returning from Africa. The shooting for storks is popular among other Lebanon.

polsatnews.pl, 4stars.pl

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