A tram accident with a truck on Żmigrodzka. Twelve people injured [ZDJĘCIA]


– As a result of a collision, 12 people were injured – informs the duty of the municipal headquarters of the state fire department in Wrocław.

According to preliminary information, a DAF truck trailer with a trailer departed from the Trzebnicki bridge and at the intersection with Kasprowicza, she turned left into ul. Broniewski. The driver did not give way to the tram from the Poświętne loop to the Trzebnicki bridge. There was a collision. The driver probably made a mistake at the intersection and did not get out of that belt, which he should do.

The truck left the side of the road, crushing road signs and infrastructure.

Three firefighters, the police and an ambulance, providing medical assistance to the victims, went to the site. The pregnant woman, the injured child and the driver were transported to the hospital. The lives of people transported to the hospital is not in danger.

Just after the firefighters left the scene, the first car that left the tracks started to burn. Flames have appeared under the vehicle, which MPK employees are trying to extinguish with manual fire extinguishers. A dense smoke appeared.

Detours have been defined. The buses 105, 108, 111, 118, 119, 129, 132, 142, K were directed by a detour to Bałtycka, Żmigrodzka. Buses for the tram were launched on the Karłowice – Poświętne road. The trams of lines 1, 7 were directed by a detour through Dworzec Nadodrze, pl. Staszica, Osobowicki bridge, Baltic.

MPK Wrocław sent two cranes to lift the tram. Huge traffic jams are being created. The Broniewskiego street is completely blocked, and due to the intensity of the impassable traffic there are streets: Bałtycka, Żmigrodzka, Kamieńskiego at the intersection with Żmigrodzka, Zawalna, Trzebnicka and Reymonta.

See also: Poll – how to ride Wrocław trams

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