A way to reduce the cost of a 40,000 PLN mortgage



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Thanks to a high clean contribution, you can save double. First of all, the more savings we have, the less we need to buy the dream apartment. Second, have an entry greater than 20%. in many banks allows you to get a lower interest rate. Currently, this difference in interest rates on loans with high and low clean inputs is record. The Expander calculator shows that if someone is collecting 25%. own contribution instead of only 10 percent. in the end, his credit will be lighter and 40,121 PLN.

How to lower

How to reduce the cost of a mortgage of 40 000 euros? / © 123RF / Picsel

The average line of credit with the lowest own contribution (10%) is currently 2.35%, with a deposit greater than 20%. that's 2.02 percent. Rnica is 0.33 points. percent. and it is the highest since the principles of mwice, that the own contribution can not be lower than 10%, that is to say from 2015. This means that it generates more and more a high personal contribution when it brings more and more benefits. Preferential conditions for people with a larger personal contribution give results. Already in the second quarter of 2017, almost (49.18%) newly granted loans had their own niche less than 20%. In the second quarter of this year, this share fell to 41.6%, or more than 20%. almost 60% have already been installed. kredytobiorcw.

It's not easy to collect a high own contribution, especially if you have to collect a pacc for renting an apartment. However, if that succeeds, it will bring measurable benefits. For example, I would like to know who wants to buy an apartment for 300,000 PLN, suppose that one person has managed to get 10%. own contribution (PLN 30 000) and the remaining 25% (75 000). The loan of this other person will be 40 121% of the range, mainly because of much lower interest.


Let's add however that the 75,000 PLN meeting lasts a lot more than 30,000. If it takes a few years and during this period, for example, we have to pay for renting an apartment, the benefits described will be far less important. The cost of renting an apartment in Poland is similar to that of the loan, which must be taken into account for its purchase. That's why so many people decide to get a credit of only 10%. wkadu. Granted, the loan will be more expensive, but it saves you on the cost of renting.

It should be added that after a few years of payment, when the debt falls below 80%. the value of the apartment, we can negotiate with the bank a reduction of the marie. If there is no agreement, we can refinance the loan, which means transfer it to another bank. In such a situation, there is a good chance that the woman will be more beautiful if we have already paid the installments on time and if the quota has fallen below 80%. property values.

Jarosaw Sadowski

Senior Analyst at Expander Advisors

information: Expander.pl

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