A year ago, she was elected and after a year, Modern is there, where she is. I'm sorry, humanly


I do not plan such holidays. Piotr Piotr Misiło was the first to question me about the fact that I was the head of Nowoczesna, but I did not conduct such discussions with Piotr. However, if other people want to leave and come knocking at me, I'm open to talking

– said Ryszard Petru in "Facts after facts" of TVN24, asked if Piotr Misiło, after leaving the modern City, could join the new group NOW !.

READ MORE: [TYLKO U NAS. Kulisy posiedzenia klubu Nowoczesnej. Jutro prawdopodobnie zarząd .N wyrzuci posła Misiłę z partii!](https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/423437-tylko-u-nas-kulisy-posiedzenia-klubu-nowoczesnej

Petru, in an interview with Grzegorz Kajdanowicz, noted that many people who "would like to return to their roots" report to him.

Many people ask me to go back to the roots and they are different groups. Once smaller, once bigger. It is not quantity but quality because, as we have seen recently with the action of Mr Kałuży, quality is important. As a result, some people also burned me down and much more political importance should be applied not only to the opinions, but also to the strength of character.


B. the leader of Nowoczesna did not hide that he was sorry about what happened to the party taken over by Katarzyna Lubnauer.

I am sorry for humanity, because I have spent a lot of energy, time to this grouping. A year ago, Katarzyna Lubnauer was chosen and after the year, Modernna is here, where she is


I believe that there is a place after Nowoczesna on the Polish political scene

he added.

What plan for the future election of Petru?

Either we go separately or we do all parties together, coalition of subjects. But this can not be a coalition of citizens, because what happened to Modern is a signal to others: look, jump into this well, and then disappear.

-I say.

kk / TVN24

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