ABW and CBA were arrested by four people suspected of fraud about PLN 7 million with VAT


The Domestic Security Agency, in collaboration with the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, arrested four people suspected of being involved in the criminal group for extorting VAT on the business turnover of the police. photovoltaic cells, learned Wednesday the PAP. The damage of the public treasury is of the order of 7 million PLN [1965900] The information on the detentions were confirmed by the spokesman of the coordinator of the Minister of the special services, Stanisław Żaryn, and Temistokles Brodowski of the service of communication of the ABC. They reported that arrests were made Tuesday by agents of the CBA and the ABW delegation in a joint investigation overseen by the Zamość Prosecutor's Office

" The ABC and the Agency of internal security searched the apartments and premises of the enterprise. related to the criminal activity of the detainees "

– informed Żaryn

Of the four people, there is the direction – the president and the the directors – from the company Podkarpackie. According to investigators, the inmates acting in the 2015-16 years in an organized criminal group extorted VAT by introducing fictitious bills for the purchase of photovoltaic cells in circulation. The group operated throughout the country as well as in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – Brodowski reports.

The Podkarpackie company was supposed to produce electric cells, but in reality it only played the role of so-called. "Buffer", simulating commercial transactions – said Brodowski.

Żaryn stated that the company has obtained subsidies for the purchase of, inter alia, devices that were to be used for the production of photovoltaic panels, but have never been activated and n & # 39; have not been used in the production process.

" They served only as a possible proof of production"

– he said

" By billing false invoices and bank transfers, these companies made alleged sales or acquisitions Then, after transporting the panels out of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, they demanded repayment of the undue VAT "

– explained the spokesman

The suspects will go to the Zamość Public Prosecutor's Office, where they hear the allegations.

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