According to the latest survey, Poles do not trust Jarosław Kaczyński


J is the result of a survey conducted on the panel of Ariadne for Wirtualna Polska, led by Jarosław Kaczyński, a group of politicians who do not trust the Poles . The president of justice and justice has surpassed Donald Tusk and Grzegorz Schetyna, but this is not a reason to be proud of him.

This poll will certainly not seduce the president of justice and justice. Jaroslaw Kaczynski "commands" the largest group of the Seym, heads the government from behind and has a real influence on the authorities, which can be demonstrated by the queues of ministers who want to visit him . Since he has the most power and influence and his party slips in the polls, why is not it popular?

According to research on the Ariadna panel for Wirtualna Polska, it seems that respondents trust Jarosław Kaczyński the least. It has been reported by as much as 31 percent. The second place in this ranking was taken by Donald Tusk (17%), and the third leader of the civic platform Grzegorz Schetyna – 6%.

And who do we love most? According to a survey by Andrzej Duda, which was indicated by 9 percent. respondents. The next is Słupsk's president, Robert Biedron – 8 percent, and the third is Donald Tusk – 7 percent. The president of the PiS only received three percent of the vote.

Source: "Wirtualna Polska"

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