According to The Sun, Liverpool is interested in Krychovak


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The Poles quickly abandon the World Cup

Emre Can sits at Juventus, Liverpool is looking for his successor. According to the British tabloid The Sun, the manager of The Reds Juergen Klopp is interested in bringing Gregory Krychowiak to Anfield.

The title of the article -" Liverpool has an eye on the star of the World Cup Grzegorz Krychowiak ".

The star of the three whites-red championships of the world championship – 1: 2 with Senegal, 0: 3 with Colombia, 1: 0 with Japan – ran on the pitch from the first to the last whistle. Senegal scored

Lokomotiw too

The newspaper recalls that Krychowiak is a PSG player, but he spent the last season on loan at West Bromwich Albion. He does not want to return to the capital of France because he would watch matches from the bench.

"The most depends if the Polish will match the plans of the new coach PSG Thomas Tuchela" – it was written.

It was added that Krychowiak also wants to win the Lokomotiv Moscow, where his teammate Maciej Rybus plays.

"The Sun" on the interest of Krychowiak


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Author: rk

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