ACTA 2 rejected by the EP


Work on the Copyright Directive, commonly known as ACTA 2.0, will continue at the next plenary session of the European Parliament in September. This means that the directive in its most drastic version will not come into effect now. However, all the time, there is a risk that the most controversial Articles 11 and 13 will be maintained. Many experts involved in the regulation of the Internet have recently reported the risks associated with this situation.

"The current content of the directive does not update the copyright in Europe and does not promote participation in civil society, it threatens online freedom and creates barriers to it. access to the Web.It introduces new restrictions, filters and restrictions.If the offer is accepted in its current form, sharing encyclopedic knowledge in social networks, it may not be possible to find articles in the search engines. Wikipedia will also be at risk "- wrote activists from the Wikimedia Foundation.

EP Reforms Copyright Act

On Wednesday, June 20, a vote on amendments to copyright legislation took place in the Committee on Legal Affairs of the United States. European Parliament. In this way, MEPs want to fight against piracy. The vote in the EP's Legal Committee allowed supporters to introduce new regulations by 15 votes to 10. This does not mean, however, that the changes will automatically come into effect. Before the entry into force of the new rules, consultations will be held with representatives of all Member States. Changes in copyright cause a lot of controversy. Their opponents claim that it is the end of Internet freedom and the introduction of censorship. In turn, supporters emphasize the need to protect creators and adapt laws to the digital reality.

What can really change?

The most important change concerns the responsibility of online portals for what users publish. Portals will be needed to create special content filtering mechanisms. In turn, the art. 11 of the project assumes the introduction of tax on the links. This means that the owner of a given portal may charge a fee for publishing the smallest part of his text or picture. According to the new regulations, sharing of links or memes may be considered a violation of copyright. Text search can also be difficult.

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