Adam Bodnar on the arrest of Marek Ch., Former head of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority


I do not see the interest of such a spectacular stop. If we can call someone at the prosecutor's office, just inform a normal person – said Adam Bodnar, a mediator for civil rights of "Rozmisz Piasecki" in TVN24. He spoke of the arrest of the former chairman of the Polish Financial Supervisory Commission, Marek Ch., By the Central Office for the Fight Against Corruption.

Former head of KNF Marek CH. was arrested Tuesday morning in Warsaw by agents of the CBA. He was then transferred to the prosecutor's office in Katowice, where he was accused of violation of rights by a public official in order to obtain personal gain by another person. His Tuesday hearing lasted more than 9 hours.

The mediator Adam Bodnar said Wednesday on TVN24 that he did not see the interest of such a "spectacular" detention of Marek Ch. – I think that if we can call somebody at Attorney's office or at a specific three-letter service, it is sufficient that a man be properly informed, it is not necessary to stop him at six o'clock in the evening, at his home – did he -he declares.

"This image leaves a mark in human consciousness"

When asked if he was intimidating or showing the detainee that it was a serious matter, he replied: – I think that it is not only the detainee, but also the public, to show the determination with which we fight, because later on people are no longer interested in what is happening next to the procedure, unless the subject is very noisy.

– This image or at least the information entered [agenci CBA – przyp. red.] already leaves a mark in the human consciousness – he added.

Bodnar remarked that "when we observe such spectacular detentions in recent years, unfortunately, this usually happens, and that it arouses the public interest, that is how the services work."

"It's absolutely my role"

The mediator asked if Marek Ch. Wrote to him today to ask him to help him in this detention, he would do it, he replied: "It's my role of D & D. Explain detention in such situations.

– I took care of the case of Władysław Frasyniuk, handcuffed, in addition [zakuto go – przyp. red.] at the back – added Bodnar.

He reminded you that you can complain about the detention method. – In the case of Frasyniuk, the courts have sometimes recognized that it was excessive to handcuff him – he added.

Commission of inquiry?

When asked if he saw the interest of appointing an investigation committee on the KNF, he made it clear that it was a political decision. He added that his opinion on the subject would enter the field of political evaluations.

As he said, "he certainly sees a problem related to the legislative process in the context of the amendment on the recovery of banks" to the law on strengthening financial supervision.

– I also see the accumulation of many different threads, which might require an additional explanation – he added.


Bodnar on an amendment concerning the takeover of banks and the legislative process

Video: tvn24 Bodnar on an amendment concerning the takeover of banks and the legislative process

Bodnar: the arguments are for the EC not to withdraw

The Ombudsman also commented on the adoption by Parliament of another amendment to the Supreme Court. Refers to the duties of the judges of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, who retired at the age of 65.

– I am of course glad that this bill has been amended, but I think I would come back to Marek Borowski's question: what did it bring us? – Bodnar pointed.

He felt that the Polish government was certainly counting on a reduction of emotions in its relations with the European Commission.

When asked whether this "end of the war" with the EC, he said: "we must consider whether the commission will actually withdraw from the case". – In my opinion, there are legal arguments to justify the fact that the case would not withdraw from the case – he said.

– In addition, Commissioner Vera Jourov said yesterday that she did not see such reasons. I have the impression that Frans Timmermans [wiceszef Komisji Europejskiej – przyp. red.] he is also determined – he added.

At the same time, he noted that the rule of law procedure was still in Article 7.

According to Bodnar, this should continue because "we still have problems with the independence of the fruit culture in the context of the functioning of the ordinary courts, the disciplinary division, the National Council of the Judiciary and the Constitutional Court".

– This requires additional explanations, more dialogue and pressure – he assessed.


Author: js // now
Source: tvn24

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