Adam Curlykale removed his penis and testicles. Where is the procedure? pics


Adam Curlykale underwent genital cutting surgery

Adam Curlykale gained popularity and publicity after being tattooed almost from head to toe. Recently, however, in the body modification went a little further and at the Mexican clinic, he decided on a procedure, which is mainly decided by transsexual people – [1945900] the removal of organs genitalia . His partner, Veronica Carol Blades known on the Web as Miss xRonix supported him on the spot. The girl who changed sex some time ago underwent a similar operation

Recall that Adam Cyrlykale comes from Poznań. He became famous because up to 85% of his body is covered with tattoos . On Instagram, he took the pseudonym Oreo . The colorful images that decorate his body are not enough. He decided to get rid of the genitals.

To this end, Adam went to Mexico. Removal of the penis and testicles was undertaken by the hospital doctors Jardines Hospital in Guadalajara :

The best people, the best hospital, the best medical care. A big smile for us – Adam wrote on a photo with Roni and doctors

A man also published a video that shows how he recovers after an operation:

Although such a courageous decision could spark mixed feelings, recording positive comments, wishing Oreo to recover as soon as possible. Perhaps this is the answer to the request of Adam who, a few days ago, asked his fans for support and warm words.

Let's add that Veronica Carol Blades recently decided on another drastic change to her body. She removed the ribs and decided to change the shape of the ear with the so-called

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