Adam Curlykale Vel Gabriell Archaniło on the reasons for the removal operation of the genitals


All of Poland has probably heard of the story of Adam Curlykale. A few days ago, a model known to participate in the program The second face underwent genital extraction surgery. To this end, he flew to Mexico. Why did he make such a controversial decision? How do you intend to feel sexual pleasure now and are you still planning some dramatic changes? About all this, the celebrity told in a recent interview

Adam Curlykale on the reasons for the surgery

Although for some of those who read about Adam, his decision seems incomprehensible, he is convinced that he is fine. And he has his reasons. " Everyone is not assigned to a specific genre, there are binary and non-binary people, I belong to them, and for me the question of sex and Sexuality is a contentious and incomprehensible issue.These are not clear indications that since I was born in the body of a man, I am him.Although my physicality indicates it.I'm part of to people called "Nullo", said Curlykale in an interview with Wirtualna Polska .

Celebryta also revealed that he loved women and men. " I am bisexual, but I feel more like a train towards men. It's a hard sex on the ground. And when it comes to the physicality, I see similarities in me in the other person. So, for sure, the guy's hair will be a big advantage. I do not like manly manners – I do not belong to them. I do not like when someone is hypersensitive, "we read the WP .

It turns out that the suppression of the genitals does not mean for Adam the end of sex life " It is not that I am excluded from the circle of sexual pleasure. I will have stimulated orgasms, among others through the prostate. In addition, the most important role is played by hugging, touching – you need to make more effort to get that pleasure. This relationship resulting from this form of rapprochement is very important to me, "explains the model in an interview

How will Adam Curlykale change?

The Poznań model also revealed that he is still planning some metamorphoses. First of all, I want to rub my inner part of the hands and feet, the bottom, the armpits and the place in the genitals. In his hands, subcutaneous implants will appear soon, and fangs will be attached to the two upper teeth. In the future, the model also wants to get rid of several ribs. Of changes that do not affect his body, Adam mentions the change of name and name to Gabriell Archianio

Who is Adam Curlykale?

Remember that Adam Curlykale is a 33-year-old model, blogger and psychologist from Poznan. The man has tattoos covering almost 90% of his body and he has not yet said his last word. He began the process of modification at the age of 21 years. Instagramer suffers from atopic dermatitis, post-oncology and post-therapy. Several years ago, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. The blogger is depressed, he did not accept his appearance, he tried to commit suicide. In one of the interviews, he confided that thanks to the tattoo, he discovered himself again. Today, she makes other changes on the skin and in the body. Adam Cyrlykale lives every day in London, where he meets a greater tolerance than in Poland. SEE THE PHOTOS

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