Adidas, Visa, Biedronka and Lotos won the most at the World Cup –


23/07/2018, 07:50

Spontaneous awareness of the World Cup-related brands 2018 (photo: press material)

The Starcom Press House again examined the notoriety of the brands that the Poles associate with the football world cup in Russia and Poland representation. Research shows that the most popular brands at the World Cup were: Adidas, Visa, Biedronka and Lotos.

After a month of championships, the percentage of people who could not spontaneously identify any marks associated with this year's World Cup dropped to 51%. (before the championships, it was 61%). After the World Cup, respondents spontaneously identified the largest number of brands: Coca-Cola (14%) questioned about the brands associated with the World Cup final. .), Adidas (11%), Visa (8%), Biedronka (7%), where Coca-Cola, Adidas and Visa are official FIFA partners, and Biedronka is a partner of the Polish national team . In addition, Adidas, Visa and Biedronka also enjoyed the strongest growth in notoriety

The most frequently reported follow-up was: Coca-Cola (55%), Adidas (51%) and Visa (48%) . the question on the marks related to the representation of Polish football was spontaneously indicated by the following brands: Biedronka (14%), Lotos (8%) and Orlen (5%)

In the sustained awareness study 59%. Biedronka was indicated by respondents, who surpassed the main sponsor of the representation in this regard, namely Lotos (53%). Significant increases were also recorded by the official partner brands of the national team: Blachotrapez (33%), Fakro (29%) and Wiśniowski (29%).

According to the CEO of Magdalena Kolenkiewicz, the results of the study confirm on the other hand, it requires investment in communication, especially at major events that are of most interest to the television viewers.

The study comes from the HX Study series, conducted in May in a national research panel Ariadna (pre-test) and July (post-test). A representative group of Internet users over the age of 18 was used

(IKO, 23/07/2018)

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