After Helsinki, Democrats see the opportunity to capitalize on Trump's embrace of Russia


Democrats rant on President Trump's performance at Monday's summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, considering a new opportunity to turn his election of Russia into a winning election in mid-term elections in November.

Even skeptical lawmakers and strategists Russian inquiries motivated voters who said Tuesday that the president's decision to publicly challenge US intelligence and law enforcement findings was a decisive moment for Washington's policy

. our relationship with our closest allies and embracing Vladimir Putin, and I just think it's a step too far, "said Representative Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.), who helped develop a program of Democratic campaign focused on raising wages, improving health care and preserving retirement benefits

citing polls and focus groups that put Trump and Russia off the list of Voter priorities, Democratic strategists have been advising candidates and party leaders for months to discuss "cooking table" issues.Now, after a remarkable 46-minute press conference on foreign soil where Trump was standing at sides of a former KGB agent to congratulate his "strong" denials of electoral interference and criticize the FBI, these strategists believe that the ground may have changed [19659005Potentlyavaitdessignesd'embûchespourlesdémocratessurlapistedelacampagnealorsquelescandidatss'efforçaientd'adapterleursréponsesausommetauxréalitéspolitiquesdeleursdistrictsUncandidatauSénatledéputéBetoO'RourkeduTexasadéclaréquelesremarquesdeTrumpméritaientd'êtremisesenaccusationtandisqued'autrescandidatsontpubliédesdéclarationsquinementionnaientaucunementTrump[19659005]. Last week, many Democrats felt that the summit could have helped clarify months of opaque inquiries into the Russian president's relations with Russia. Trump and his allies spent months attacking like a skewed "witch hunt". 19659007] "It has become very simple and fast," said Jim Kessler, senior vice president of politics at Third Way, a centrist democratic think tank. "I've talked to a lot of Democrats running in the purple and red states and districts who said that Russia rarely comes home, and I think that has now changed."

Even though Trump tried Tuesday to come back on some of his comments at the summit, saying that he had no intention of questioning US intelligence sources, the Democratic rulers in both houses of Congress moved to take advantage of the political benefits of his remarks at the top

campaign to convince voters that they would resist Trump more strongly than the Republicans if he betrayed the interests of Americans.

"If we are in the majority, we will probably be more efficient and we will see much stronger," said Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (DN.Y.).

In a speech Solemnly, Schumer gave Trump's business a Russian prime minister in historical terms: "Can you imagine if President Kennedy believed Khrushchev when he said that there were no missiles in Cuba? Can you imagine if President Reagan believed Gorbachev without verifying that the Soviet Union would reduce its stock of missiles? We would live in a world very different from what we are today.

In the House, minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Called on Republican leaders to join the Democrats in passing a resolution that the Russians interfered in the 2016 elections, as well as the bills protecting special advocate Robert S. Mueller III, which investigates Russian interference and strengthens funding for electoral security.

"It is a question of trust She made it clear that we should not trust her when it comes to the interest of the American people."

Throughout the day, Democrats from both Houses insisted on the need for – an argument that they believe will lead to success in the Ruby states that are likely to decide the control of the Senate and the purple suburban neighborhoods where the majority of the House will be decided.

"This president needs at least one body in US Co to hold him accountable," said Bustos. "At this moment, of course …"

Democrat pollster Geoff Garin, citing a recent panel discussion that he headed for a super super PAC Democrat, said that Trump voters are ready to vote for Democrats who "will be independent and think for themselves." "The backdrop for every election in America this year is whether voters want people who will support Donald Trump or will be an independent check and balance on Donald Trump, "he said, arguing that the Democrats are sure to attack Trump.In his comments, even in the states, he won wide margins.

More than seven out of ten voters said that They would like the Congress to be a check on Trump, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released this month. "About half of the Republicans and the vast majority of Democrats have taken this position.

Joe Trippi, a long-time strategist who helped Senator Doug Jones (D-Ala.) to an extraordinary victory last December, said that comments have marked a further erosion of faith in the president of Republican voters who have already been sour on him.

In the Alabama race, Trippi said that he was beginning to feel increasing fatigue with Trump among younger, feminine, and educated Republicans who had grown weary of impending crises

"They could not stand the feeling of always being on the razor's edge or the country being always on the edge, "he said. Now, "the water is getting strong against the wall, I'm not saying it broke the wall, but it caused a leak."

While many Republicans were appalled by the way Trump was treating Putin, they were not afraid to have political ramifications at mid-term. "I continue to be very confident for November," said Senator Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Chairman of the National Republican National Committee. "I think that a strong economy, the Supreme Court justices – that's what the conversation will be in November."

Up to now, Democrats have conducted a campaign heavily focused on health care, employment and other issues. that the Democrats' "Better Deal" agenda unveiled last year would remain the centerpiece of the party's 2018 campaign. But even legislators who have long criticized the leaders of major parties for not pursuing a more consistent economic message, said Trump's management vis-à-vis Russia should be integrated into the party's efforts

what to think about, and that is their pension, their salary, their retirement, their health care – bread and butter, "said Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio). But, he said, "he has come to the point where he is dangerous now."

Some Democrats have gone further. Several on Tuesday used the term "treason", grabbing a description tweeted by former CIA director John Brennan, and O & Rourke (D-Texas) – making a long-term offer to the Senate – said to the Dallas Morning News that Trump's remarks deserved to be indicted. . His opponent, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, immediately accused him of " partisan extremism ."

In an interview with the Washington Post, O 'Rourke said that he would not campaign on Trump's dismissal, but said the behavior in Helsinki could not be ignored.

"Our intelligence community says we have not come out of water in the 2018 elections, and it is on the other side on foreign soil." He said. Others need to be more cautious: Democratic candidate Dan McCready, a candidate for a Republican-held North Carolina seat, issued a statement Thursday supporting intelligence agencies and stressing his own opinion. Military service without directly criticizing Trump: "I trusted American intelligence to keep my Marines safe in Iraq, and I still trust US intelligence today."

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