Agata M³ynarska left the hospital. She is ready to go back to work


Agata M³ynarska has been suffering from inflammatory bowel disease for years. In July, she had an intense pain that led her to a limb. After a series of tests, the doctors decided that he could go home. Instagram added an entry in which she turned to the fans. She also mentioned the care of his father, Wojciech M³ynarski, died last year

See: Agata M³ynarska still in the hospital. He talks about the state of his health: My illness is like life on a clock bomb

Agata M³ynarska left the hospital

Beloved. After the transition, but with faith in a better and stronger thanks to your support, I leave for a recovery follow-up. As always, I'm looking for cool books and here, please, our "Conversations". Dad looks. Once again, thank you for everything, she wrote.

Netizens want a speedy recovery, strength and perseverance. The presenter, however, does not intend to rest and promises a quick return to work. In an interview with Pleiada, she assures us that her illness has not prevented her and that she is ready to go back to work.

The disease did not prevent me in any way. I have a computer with me, I work – she said.

There is no shortage of that – M³ynarska will appear on TVN Style, where she will direct the program "Ex-tra change."

Agata M³ynarska on the disease

Agata M³ynarska speaks openly about her illness. She thinks that the most important thing is to know what it is:

The most important thing is to know what it is. (…) My doctor said that the diagnosis is the biggest problem. These are patients who have been sick for two years without being fully aware of what is wrong with them. Our stomach and intestines are still a mystery – he explains in an interview

Recall that Agata M³ynarska has been suffering from Leœniowski-Crohn's disease for years. It manifests itself as a strong inflammation of the intestines and the entire digestive tract. When she suffers, she saves and works at home. She herself says that "her illness is like life on a clock bomb". He also believes that this time the gap between attacks will be longer than last time:

Recently, 3 years of peace, so I believe that now it will be longer – she wrote on Instagram.

And it's like that!

Paulina M³ynarska has not always had a good relationship with her siblings. Now, she confesses: Father's illness brought us closer, when Agata …


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