Agata Młynarska at the hospital for intestinal inflammation


Agata Młynarska is seriously ill. It turned out that the TV presenter and TLC's development director had been suffering from Leśniowski and Crohn's disease for several years. The case is so serious that the journalist's life has unfolded in recent days. Specific intestinal inflammation has resulted in an extended stay in the gastrointestinal department. The disease is manifested by acute abdominal pain and fever. The causes of discomfort are poor intestinal microflora and abnormal mucosal immunology. In addition to surgery, the only way to reduce the symptoms of inflammation is to take anti-inflammatories for life

"After four days of fierce struggle in gastroenterology known for years, a smile returns and hopes that the worst will be restored Młynarska

"My illness has its own life, we have not examined why such exacerbations appear, because it was such a good fight for life and so sudden. "The intestine remains a mystery to the doctors, and this time Professor Grażyna Rydzewska Thank you" – she added.

Młynarska does not look good in the published photo. The star is definitely waiting for a longer rest now.

Agata Młynarka also needed medical help four years ago. She was under constant observation of doctors because of problems with the gall bladder. It turned out to be a serious inflammation and, despite a long treatment, an intervention was eventually necessary. In June 2014, she had surgery.

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