Air Passenger Rights. EC reminds them of Ryanair strike


Those that have been canceled are entitled to a refund, compensation or replacement flight. These issues are regulated by EU law.
As part of the strike Ryanair airlines, the European Commission Wednesday reminded the rights of passengers.

The crew of the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair on Wednesday launched a two-day strike. As a result, 600 flights were canceled in Europe. The employees want, among other things, that employment contracts are concluded on the basis of local legislation, and not Irish legislation, throughout Europe. Ryanair employees demonstrate in Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy.

"Passengers whose flights have been canceled are entitled to refund of tickets, flight changes and accommodation subject to certain conditions". Enrico Brivio

On Twitter, the European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, reminded us of the rights of passengers in case of cancellation of flights by posting a link to the EC website that describes it. Under EU law if the flight was canceled, the passenger has the right to be reimbursed, rerouted, assisted and compensated

Most importantly, the airlines must between the return of the ticket price and the change of the flight route to the destination. They can also offer a trip to a later date, convenient for the passenger, with comparable transport conditions.

If the airlines do not offer the choice and unilaterally decide on the refund, the passenger is entitled to an additional refund of the price of the new ticket (under comparable conditions of carriage). 19659003] In some cases the carrier is required to pay compensation to the passenger . In case of cancellation of a flight up to a distance of 1500 km, it is 250 euros, higher than 1500 km in the EU and all other flights from 1500 to 3500 km – 400 euros, more than 3500 km – 600 euros

he was informed of the cancellation of the flight less than 14 days before the scheduled departure date. Airlines are required to demonstrate that they have personally notified them of their cancellation and the date on which they did so

An indemnity is not due if the passenger has been informed within two weeks to 7 days before the scheduled flight that it was canceled and offered to change itinerary, allowing it to leave no later than 2 hours before the scheduled departure time and to arrive at destination less than 4 hours after the originally scheduled time.

He will not receive any compensation if he has been informed less than 7 days before the scheduled departure time and offered to change the route, allowing departure no later than 1 hour before the departure. Departure time initially scheduled and reaching the destination less than 2 hours after the scheduled time of arrival.

travel plan y and at the final destination, the passenger arrives with a delay of 2-4 hours, the compensation can be reduced by 50%

Compensation is not payable if the carrier proves that l & rsquo; Cancellation was caused by extraordinary circumstances. The extraordinary circumstances, as reported by the EC, include decisions on air traffic management, political destabilization, adverse weather conditions and security risks.

In case of denied boarding, flight cancellation, flight delay of 2 hours compared to the scheduled time of departure in writing on the rules of granting of Damages or Provision of Assistance

Airlines should also offer and provide free assistance to a person who is waiting for his flight. The assistance includes, among others: drinks, meals, accommodation (if the reservation was moved overnight), transportation to accommodation and return to the accommodation. airport and two phone calls. Lines should also, as far as possible, ensure the availability of housing for persons with disabilities and their guide dogs.

If the passenger does not receive assistance and does not pay, for example, for meals and beverages, the airlines must reimburse the costs incurred, provided that they are "necessary, appropriate and reasonable" . For this purpose, the passenger must keep all payment receipts. The passenger has the right to obtain assistance as long as he / she has to wait for the travel plan to be changed under comparable conditions of transport to the destination as soon as possible.

In the case, according to the passenger, the airlines do not fulfill their obligations in the event of flight cancellation, the passenger can file a complaint directly to the line, to the competent national authority (in Poland, the Office of Civil Aviation)

Brussels, Łukasz Osiński (PAP)

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