Airbus will create a unique Rover


  Airbus создаст уникальный марсоход

The creation of a new Mars Rover will take place at the headquarters of Airbus.

In April this year, the US space agency NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) agreed to consider the possibility of delivering samples of Martian soil to the Earth during future missions on the red planet.

According to the latest news, ESA has signed a contract with Airbus for $ 5.2 million, to develop a new Rover design concept that will collect samples of Martian soil.

The creation of a new Mars Rover will take place at Airbus headquarters, located at Stevenage. The European Space Agency has chosen the English unit of Airbus as developer of a new Rover because at the moment the company is leading the development of the Rover, for another mission, ExoMars , a joint project between ESA and the Russian state-owned Roscosmos Mars exploration. It should go to the red planet in 2021, in the second part of this space mission.

Unlike the ExoMars Rover project, which will be equipped with many scientific instruments and will perform many scientific tasks, only the task under discussion today, Rover will collect samples of Martian soil. It will not even have to drill the surface of Mars.

A series of drilling will carry the Rover, which will travel to the neighboring planet in 2020 will be the successor of the Mars Rover "Kyuriositi" which is currently cruising the surface of the red planet. After this "Rover 2020" will collect soil samples in 30 special containers, which are then left in various points of the road. The Rover-collector, developed by Airbus, will go to March 2026. After reaching the destination, it will collect the scattered containers with the soil samples using its robotic arm.

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