Alicja Majewska is living on a low pension. He has to sell the house to keep it


Although Alicja Majewska still performs, she focuses more and more on her health and chooses more often to relax at home than on stage. The singer in conversation with "Na ¯ywo" betrayed how much her retirement is.

Alicja Majewska complains about her retirement

In the 1970s, Alicja Majewska invested a lot of money in her house. Unfortunately, he has to leave his apartment in this place and find something smaller. The reason? A low pension that does not allow him to maintain four angles.

For many years I have worn a green card in my wallet, but my account is influenced by just over 1,000 retirement zlotys – living in "Na Życia".

It should be noted that Alicja Majewska is still on stage in Poland. But given the health problems, the artist abandons American roads, which constitute a large part of his income.

Today, the west looks different. In the 1980s, it was a different world. Restaurants, shops – all this made a huge impression on us. Now, I resist the United States because I do not see any sense in it. This is no longer so lucrative when it comes to earnings, because the dollar has a completely different value – she explained.

Not only does Alicja Majewska complain of poor pensions

More and more artists are asking for the amount of their pension. Recently, Krzysztof Cugowski confessed that he can only rely on 570 zlotys of old-age pension.

Some things on my side have been neglected, but everything has been explained and I have it behind me. I will be a happy retiree next month. I could not live through what ZUS is willing to pay for me, so I'll have to sing to death like Mieczys³aw Fogg, "he said in" Super Express. "

Ryszard Rynkowski also revealed that he had received 1160 zlotys during the transfer.It is said that Maryla Rodowicz receives a little more money, whose account is credited with an amount of ± 1600 zlotys.


Olga Kalicka shows the apartment, she is a very girl, and this item on the balcony is a ten-shot

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