All that remains is prayer. Przemysław Saleta's family needs urgent help


Przemysław Saleta is a kicker and heavyweight boxer known throughout Poland. The man has won the title of champion of Poland and champion of Europe. Although he has accomplished a lot in his professional life, fate does not save him in his private life. A few years ago, her daughter became seriously ill. Although it seemed that the situation had been brought under control, the disease became obvious. The family of the athlete needs urgent help. All that remains is prayer.

Przemysław Saleta can perfectly control the situation in the ring. Unfortunately, in real life, we do not always have control over everything, as the boxer discovered. When his daughter became seriously ill 5 years ago, he put on his head to help her. Although it worked then, luck did not last too long.

The difficult situation of the Saleta family. The girl of the athlete is fighting for life

Nicole Saleta is the daughter of Polish boxer and model Ewa Pacuła. The girl is 24 years old today and has serious health problems. In 2013, his kidneys stopped functioning and the only chance for a normal life became a transplant. Przemysław Saleta did not hesitate for a moment and decided to give a kidney to his daughter. The transplant went well and the family returned to normal life. It seemed that the worst moments were behind him. Unfortunately, nothing is more wrong.

Nicole has been enjoying her kidney for four years. After this period, the organ again began to refuse his obedience, which required another transplant. Fortunately, this time, a donor was found and the operation was successfully completed. However, the joy did not last too long. This time, the kidney only served for six months. The situation has become dramatic again. A new donor is needed to save the girl's life.



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Przemysław Saleta is looking for a kidney for her beloved daughter

Although the doctors have spread their hands and do not understand at all why the transplant has not been taken yet. Boxer and his ex-wife are asking for help urgently, but the queues to get organs are terribly long.

– The first kidney Przemek works for 5 years. The second kidney transplant of my daughter failed. He did not accept the deceased donor. After six months, the kidney went to the trash. The situation is complicated and Nicole returned for dialysis – honestly, she confessed to Ewa Pacuła.

There remains only the prayer and the hope that there will soon be another donor, thanks to which the young Nicole will be able to continue to live.


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