Alżbeta Lenska: Rafał is wonderful. We are getting married again


Alżbeta Lenska in an interview with Dorota Wellman for the party "Dzień dobry TVN" confessed how difficult for her experiences related to the sudden illness and brain surgery she had to give up. Lenska, who has defended herself with the disease, is now talking in the media about health problems, wanting to be an example for people affected by similar problems.

– SORZA woke me up to say that I had an aneurysm, which I had flooded my entire head. The doctor said that he did not know if I would survive the surgery – Lenska said.

– Then I thought that if I leave, I know that Rafał is wonderful and will be an ideal husband. If I'm not here, he'll find a wonderful, new, pretty woman. And he will not suffer so much … – The actress added sincerely

Lenska also announced the renewal of the marriage oath during the 10th wedding anniversary with Rafał Cieszyński. The ceremony will be an opportunity to thank loved ones for their help and support in difficult times. The actress also presented photos in her wedding dress on her Instagram

Alżbeta Lenska / Instagram

Alżbeta Lenska / Instagram

– I have not said it yet, but since we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary now, we are getting married again. It's cool because it will not be pompous. It's supposed to be where it's good, nice, where you feel good. We invite people to whom we would like to thank for energy and positive thinking – said Lenska

All conversations between Alżbeta Lenska and Dorota Wellman are available on the official website of "Dzień dobry TVN".

Source: Dzień Dobry TVN

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