Amber Gold Syndic: There are about 78 million PLN bankrupt


– In the mass of the bankruptcy there are about 78 million zlotys, but for the moment this money can not be paid to the creditors – the trustee of bankruptcy of Amber Gold sp.Zo.o. testified Monday before the investigating committee. Józef Dębiński. He explained that there are more than 12,000 on the list of claims.

An investigation commission for Amber Gold continues to interview witnesses in the tax services thread.

– When I arrived at the company, there were 600 PLN in the register – said the receiver of the bankruptcy Amber Gold before the commission of investigation. He explained that currently the list of creditors covers more than 12,000 entities.

Józef Dębiński, using the right to freedom of expression, explained to the Amber Gold commission that on August 20, 2012, he had been appointed director of Amber Gold. On August 21, he took over the assets of this company which was located in 65 branches and points throughout Poland. He clarified that he did not know at the time that the company had been liquidated on August 14, he learned it on August 24.

– For three weeks, I made a report to the bankruptcy court on the state of the mass and (…) the cost simulation of the bankruptcy proceedings. I came to the conclusion that (…) a bankruptcy can be declared – he said. He noted that the report should have been prepared quickly, as many creditors learned that Amber Gold was insolvent and began to pursue lawsuits in which the courts guaranteed assets in the form of pledges and donations. ; mortgages.

– At that time, the company should be bankrupt as soon as possible, because the creditors, those who had term deposits, would be at a disadvantage (compared to those who took out mortgages) – he said. – I found that the company did not have money. (…) At the time of my arrival in the company, there were 600 PLN in the register. So, of those 600 PLN, I had to conduct this bankruptcy proceedings – he said.

Dębiński explained that based on the notification of claims received from the Commissioner's Judge, he drew up a list of claims. – The total of these claims is 12 thousand. 203. This is a very big list of claims – he felt.

Witness of Amber Gold: the joint implementation of the Internal Security Agency [ABW] was canceled abruptly

"The list of claims was validated legally"

The chairman of the commission, Małgorzata Wassermann, pointed out that if anyone did not make a claim, that is to say that Amber Gold owed him money, he would not get it from the trustee. – Some have adopted such a route, some suing the Treasury or the bank, there will be criminal proceedings, where you can act as auxiliary prosecutors. However, I am having questions: will I receive my money? If someone does not do anything with his case, he does not report it anywhere, the trustee will not look for it at home to give it – she pointed out.

– Yes, that's right, the basis of payment is only the list of claims and the creditor on this list. Otherwise it will be impossible – admitted the receiver. He added that the list of claims has been validated legally.

Wassermann: Six notifications to the prosecutor's office after interrogations in the thread of special services

"In the mass of the bankruptcy there are about 78 million PLN "

– In the mass of the bankruptcy there is about 78 million PLN, the money is on the term deposits, the regulations do not allow them to pay them to the creditors at the moment – said the trustee of the Amber Gold bankruptcy before the commission of inquiry.

Józef Dębiński explained that in the mass of bankruptcy there are about 78 million zlotys, but he did not have enough time to dispose of all his property. Another house remained in the center of Gdańsk. In the call for tenders in June of this year no one has made an offer. Therefore, in September there will be another call for tenders.

The trustee admitted that he could not proceed with a general division plan until the mortgage secured things plan was done. – He's holding the trustee. I know that the creditors are waiting, but I do not have the right to pay the money that I have. This money is on term deposits, they work all the time – said the receiver.

The chairman of the commission, Małgorzata Wassermann, explained that the law stipulates that certain activities must be carried out one after the other, and only after these steps have been completed, you can proceed to the payment of money .

Dębiński explained that part of the money was paid to the creditors. He had already sold nine properties owned by Amber Gold, one of which was not encumbered. On eight of them, a plan was put in place to divide the bankruptcy fund and, as a result, creditors who were successful in obtaining mortgages prior to bankruptcy received money – at total more than 4.3 million zlotys.

– From this building, which is for sale (…), there is also a mortgage guarantee of PLN 350,000. zł. That is to say, from the amount that will be delivered, this 350,000 should be deducted and the remaining portion of the sale will be intended for creditors who are expecting money – informed the recipient.

The Amber Gold Commission will continue the line of tax services

We managed to recover gold, silver and platinum

Dębiński said he managed to recover gold, silver and platinum on the basis of the prosecutor 's decision. However, it took more than a year to become a trustee because MP appealed decisions.

– At that time, gold was cheaper. (…) When I came in as a manager, an ounce of forced gold cost $ 1,800 and, after the sale, it dropped to $ 1,200 an ounce. So this amount was certainly not that big – he said.

– I received 57.5 kg of gold, 1.5 kg of silver, less than a kilogram of platinum – he said. He explained that he sold the bullion to entities authorized by the National Bank of Poland. He noted that no specific contract could be awarded. – This was not marked. You can not assign a gram of gold to a specific bar that I have received. It is impossible. You were unallocated, unsorted gold, "he explained.

"The question of tax cash on Amber Gold deserves the interest of the prosecutor's office"

"Marcin P. has purchased real estate up to 40% higher than the prices of the market "

– Amber Gold owner Marcin P. bought real estate for up to 40%. better than the market – said Józef Dębiński. In total, as head of the commission, Małgorzata Wassermann (PiS) said that P. bought real estate for about PLN 40 million.

The receiver stated during the hearing before the commission the difficulties in the sale of real estate, purchased by Marcin P. In this context, Margaret Wassermann asked at what price the trustee sells the property of the property. Former leader of Amber Gold. – The real estate was bought for a bit higher price – said Dębiński. Asked what it means "a little higher," he replied, "I think somewhere around 20 percent, even 30 percent, and in some cases even 40 percent."

Wassermann recalled that P. bought real estate for about PLN 40 million. She admitted that because of the exaggerated prices at this level, it is suspected that "Marcin P. has purchased appropriate properties from the appropriate people for the appropriate money". She added that this should be handled by law enforcement agencies.

– I would like to remind you that these properties were registered at the I Tax Office (in Gdańsk – PAP). And the United States not only did not notice the fact that this company does not settle, does not show any income, but rather bought for 40 million zlotys of real estate – Wassermann pointed out.

Dębiński also said he met Amber Gold boss Marcin P. two or three times. P. pointed out the trustee of three employees with whom he must contact the property, equipment, cars and the registration of the contract.

Wassermann to the witness: Such a trash that we have never seen

"Dashuta gave me some of the documents he worked on"

Vice-Chairman of the Committee Jarosław Krajewski (PiS) recalled the testimony of Marcin P., who told the committee that in Amber Gold, there was a server recording all telephone conversations. He added that these records were not secured by the Internal Security Agency and the prosecutor's office, and that the recipient had to sell the server. In this context, Krajewski asked Dębiński if he had actually sold the server. The witness replied that he had given all the equipment to the delegation of the Gdańsk Domestic Security Agency. He added that four servers still work and that you can read everything from them, what he did, among others Court.

Krajewski also asked questions about Łukasz Daszuta, a former OLT Express supervisory board member and a close associate of Marcin P. Asked whether after taking over the board by the witness, Daszuta was working always for Amber Gold. The witness confirmed. Dębiński reported that Dashuta had given him some of the documents he was working on. He denied that Dashuta would do anything after being taken care of by the trustee of the administrator.
Krajewski recalled that Daszuta under the regulations with Amber Gold for alleged training for the amount of 150 000. PLN received a car. The witness replied that a former member of the supervisory board had returned the car.

Dębiński also claimed to have entered into agreements "related to Marcin P.", where, under the benefit payment orders, the dividends were paid PLN 16.5 million.

A witness: after returning to Warsaw, we already knew that Amber Gold is a serious business

Tasks of an Inquiry Committee

The inquiry commission set up in July 2016 aims to examine and assess the regularity and legality of the actions taken against Amber Gold by the government, including the ministers: finance, economy, infrastructure, internal affairs, justice and agents subordinate publics.
The President of UOKiK, the Inspector General of Financial Information, the President of the Office of Civil Aviation as well as the prosecution and the bodies responsible for prosecuting crimes including officials from the Internal Security Agency and the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau. and public officials are subject to them.

The commission of inquiry must also investigate the actions taken by Amber Gold by the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Former US chief: Amber Gold was not punished because tax audit was to be extended

Thousands of fraudulent customers

Amber Gold was founded in early 2009 and was to invest in gold and other bullion. Customers were tempted by a high interest rate on the investment. In mid-2011, the company acquired a majority stake in Jet Air's airlines, then in Germany, in Germany, and at the end of 2011 on Yes Airways. The OLT Express brand was created at that time.

OLT Express announced its bankruptcy at the end of July 2012. In turn, Amber Gold announced its liquidation on August 13, 2012 and did not pay its customers and their interests on its thousands of customers .

According to the results, in 2009-2012 as part of the so-called The company pyramid has deceived nearly 19,000 its customers, leading to unfavorable regulation of goods of the amount of nearly PLN 851 million.

"The question of the cash flow on Amber Gold deserves the interest of the prosecutor's office"


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