America Express episode 13 – FINAL. Who won the program?


In the America Express final, three special pairs will compete: Maciek Musiałowski and Ania Małysa, Fit Lovers and Aleksander and Dawid Domańscy? Who will climb on the highest step of the podium and win a cash prize? Read our report of the 13th episode of the program. The article will be updated!

The Fit Lovers were the first to reach the America Express final. In the eleventh episode of the program, they proved the fastest and were smart. Pamela Stefanowicz and Mateusz Janusz gained immunity by which they made sure to participate in the 13th episode. In reward, they also visited the lost city of the Inca, or the famous Machu Picchu. Maciej Musiałowski, Anna Małysa, Aleksandra Domańska and Dawid Domański have qualified for the final of the 12th episode of America Express. Just before the final, Tomasz Karolak and Jakub Urbański said goodbye.

What happened in the 13th episode of America Express? Who won the program?

The article will be updated during the episode.

The first mission took place in the pre-Inca salt terraces. Accustomed to the weight of the backpack, participants had to extract exactly 30 kilograms of salt. The best and Ania and Maciek managed the mission and they left without delay. The remaining pairs had to wait for a penalty – 2 minutes for each kilogram.

The next task was just as easy. It was enough to get 15,000 points in the local game "Frog", sipping, in case of loss of the mouth frogs, large portions of corn-based drink. Finally, all couples continued on their way. The first ones in Agnieszka Woźniak-Starak were Ania Małysa and Maciej Musiałowski. They won a gold amulet worth 10,000 euros. zł.

The next stage of the race, participants of "America Express" started a feast. Each participant had to eat a local dish, a broth with a cow's eye. Pamela from Fit Lovers approached the job professionally. Although others panicked, she stoically tried to cut her eyes. Dawid Domański advised his sister to swallow pieces. After the meal, the couples had to save the guinea pigs from the sad end on the Peruvian plate. In the next step, participants had to play a childlike melody "Wlał kotek na hurdy" on Pan Flute and … reach the leader. They were promoted to the final Fit Loversi and Aleksandra and Dawid Domańscy!

The next day, the last two couples started the race with a simple but difficult endurance game. One of the people had to keep the jug still and the other to fill the cup of the opponent. Fit Loversi won the mission and won 15 thousand. zł. They have up to 55 000. zł.

Before the last departure, the manager equipped the participants with two colored bands included in the flag of Cuzco. During the urban race in one of the world's most famous tourist spots, couples had to complete a multicolored flag. The first pair that will reach the Sun Temple and pull the flag on the mast will be the winner of "America Express" … The first to reach the finish line Aleksandra and Dawid Domańscy! They are the winners of "America Express"!

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