An accident at the Stockholm airport. The plane pushed its wings into the building


An aircraft from New Delhi, which landed at Stockholm's Arlanda Airport, remained stuck in the wing of the airport building. There were 179 passengers in the plane.

The Air India plane from New Delhi landed at 5:44 pm at the Arlanda airport in the Swedish capital. Then he headed to Terminal 5 towards the airport. He approached too closely, struck the wing of the building and got stuck against the wall.

179 passengers were on board. Nothing happened to anyone.

There are plenty of police cars and fire engines here. I see the wing in the wall of the building. Such things do not happen – said one of the witnesses during a conversation with the newspaper Aftonbladet. As stated, "chaos prevails".

There was a sudden, all the aircraft trembled Martin told the newspaper Expressen, who was on board the machine. He added that it took 40 minutes before passengers were allowed to leave the bridge. People were worried that the fuel would leak – he added.

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