An accident near Szczecinek. In the frontal collision, the mother and the injured children. They were coming back from vacation


A tragic accident occurred Sunday evening between the villages of Ostropole and Barwice, several kilometers from Szczecinek in the province. Western Pomerania. Two passenger cars collided head-on. Six people were injured, including two children aged 4 and 12 years.

– Three people were taken by ambulance, the other three people took ambulances – said Miros³aw from the Szczecinek Fire Department

As reported by, a 4-year-old is died Monday morning at the hospital. The situation of others is serious

Grandmother about an accident: We were coming back from vacation

A woman who was coming back with her family spoke with a TVN24 reporter. They drove two cars. In the accident, the car of his daughter participated, in which children also rolled.

– This car was driving behind us – describes the woman. – We were coming back from vacation and there, in this turn, this car pulled a turn, we barely missed it, it was missing very little, it was driving fast, it took the side of the road – she said. After a while, she says, she realized that she had not seen her daughter's car. The family returned and saw the broken cars

In one of them, on the recordings, an abandoned teddy bear was seen, beside which parcels and a folded stroller have been laid.

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