An Indian scientist, Father Richard D & Souza, discovers the dark past of our galaxy's neighbor, Andromeda


There was once three galaxies in the local group – Andromeda (M31), the Milky Way and his brother, the M32p galaxy. About two billion years ago, Andromeda couldnibalised and destroyed M32p, leaving behind a trail of cosmic debris

It was the perfect crime, until now.

Scientists P. Richard D'Souza SJ and Eric Bell at the University of Michigan used computer models and simulations to show the dark past of Andromeda. Their research suggests that the compact Andromeda M32 satellite galaxy is actually the bare core of the destroyed M32p. Their discoveries were published in Nature Astronomy last week

D'Souza, the main author on paper, was born in Mapusa (Goa), studied at the College of St. Xavier, Mumbai and did most of his priestly studies in India. In an email interview, the Jesuit and the scientist tell us about his work and the intersection of science and faith in his life

  Richard D & Souza SJ

P. Richard D & Souza SJ

Tell us about your new Discoveries and their significance

My research focuses on the growth of galaxies through mergers. A galaxy like Andromeda, our nearest big neighbor, would have merged with hundreds of smaller galaxies. These small galaxies are destroyed in the process because of the tidal forces of gravity leaving behind a trail of stellar debris (like crumbs) around the main galaxy called stellar halo.

Studying the stellar halo of a galaxy, I developed an inference technique of the size of the largest galaxy that was destroyed in the process. This is similar to guessing what a little child has eaten after watching the "crumbs" and messiness scattered on the floor around her. Observations from the last decade have shown that Andromeda has the largest stellar halo for any galaxy of its size. We realized that to build such a large stellar halo, Andromeda must have merged with a very large galaxy (a quarter of its size) not so long ago.

How will the discovery of this decimated galaxy help the future? research and study?

It was traditionally thought that such large fusions would destroy the discs of galaxies, converting them into spheroidal elliptical galaxies. We now know that the disk of the Andromeda galaxy has survived this particularly important fusion, although we do not know exactly why. So, this discovery upsets a major paradigm in our understanding of the evolution of galaxies. One thing we can remove is that the discs of galaxies are more resilient than previously thought. We hope this discovery motivates further studies to understand what circumstances drive the disks of galaxies to survive such interactions.

The next part of my research is to study stellar halos and merging histories of other galaxies further afield. understand what the properties of the galaxy are caused by fusion.

Will this help solve the mysterious formation of the Andromeda M32 satellite galaxy?

We think so. We only proposed a model and it must be tested and verified. While everyone agrees that Andromeda had a major collision two billion years ago, some scientists doubt that this collision resulted in M32. Such a disagreement is good. Science is a conversation, a back and forth, and we will come to the truth again and again.

  The galaxy of Andromeda. Wikimedia Commons

The galaxy of Andromeda. Speaking of disagreement, how do faith and science intersect for you?

For me, these are two very basic ways of knowing the same reality. Mankind needs these two ways to know, understand reality and move forward in life. Science is based on assumptions and faith. Especially in astronomy, where it is very difficult to prove something specific, it surprises me how true the assumptions and beliefs are.

Inspirational of philosophy, meaning can not be found in a system, it can not be it. Science can not give us meaning in life, only something that is totally transcendental, like the divine, can. Without meaning, we will not go forward, we will not have hope, we will not strive to do what we do, and without hope, people will not. 39 will have nothing to wait. Religion and faith give us meaning, and that often gives us a good reason to do good science, because it becomes an expression of reaching that transcendent, it is God.

Is this what attracted you to science?

I have always been interested in science. Child, I loved building things and computers. In college, I had a taste for physics research. My Jesuit superiors encouraged me to do astronomy because there was a rich tradition of Jesuits studying astronomy and doing research there. After my ordination and my time in Goa, I went back to science and returned to do a PhD in astronomy.

My general area of ​​study is the formation and evolution of galaxies. This field tries to understand the rich diversity of galaxies we see in the Universe. Where and how did everything start? What path did the Universe take to get here?

How did you start working for the Vatican Observatory?

The Jesuits lead and direct the Vatican Observatory. As soon as I started my masters degree in physics in Heidelberg, Germany, they reached out to me. After my PhD in 2016, I officially joined the staff of the Vatican Observatory. Although I am associated with them, I went on to do a post-doctorate at the University of Michigan, and make short visits to the Rome Observatory or their offices in Tucson

Most of astronomers of the Vatican Observatory are Jesuits. If it's not Catholic priests and brothers. The place has the right combination of science and faith. In addition, members have such good relationships and friends around the world;

Does your work and research improve your spiritual life?

Normally, I aim to keep both of them apart, but that does not really work. I often find myself preaching about the hard process of research and the spiritual lessons that can be learned from it. When I am disappointed and disappointed with my research, I find myself praying for inspiration and for the help of God. My spiritual life and research work intertwine seamlessly

In an interview you mentioned that most people misunderstand the position of the Catholic Church towards science and the creation. What do you mean?

Most people misunderstand the current teaching of the creation of the Catholic Church. He teaches us that God created the world but does not insist on how. The Church agrees with modern biblical scholarship that the early chapters contain many theological truths about the human person and the relationship to the world and to God, but should not be taken in the sense literal or historical

. is not in complete contrast with science and history. Father George Lemaitre, a Belgian Catholic priest, was at the origin of the Big Bang idea in the 1930s, after applying Einstein's equivalence equations to the Universe . The "big bang" is a very Catholic idea

The knowledge of the faith of the average Christian is rather limited. We were taught a few things when we were kids, and then our religious upbringing stopped after the age of 13 or 14. Our religious knowledge remains at the level of children. On the other hand, we spend a lot of time and energy educating ourselves professionally. I only wish Catholics to do the same and stay up to date with their education of faith.

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