An innovator in the world of treasury activities – Minister Rostowski in the fight against PiS


Minister Rostowski presented an innovative theory of the fight against financial pyramids, worthy of the Nobel Prize. And it sounds like that. The actual enforcement by tax authorities that illegally operating companies fulfill their obligations, threatens that they will be able to function much longer. Thus, they will be able to deceive many more customers than the same companies from which the tax authorities will apply nothing. If they do not demand anything, and these companies will not fulfill their obligations, they will expose their dishonesty themselves and even go bankrupt, as happened with Amber Gold.

Why should tax authorities dishonest peace? A dishonest business that has a keen owner can hire a super-talented but dishonest accountant. And what happens then? Such an accountant provides all the necessary documents and reports to the treasury. Ba, not only. It also pays all taxes due on time. The treasurer is happy that he has such a solid client. He does not just know that reports and taxes are falsified. And the company is making huge profits. And it works on the market much longer than one that is not reliable like Amber Gold, which falls off quickly "

This is not a joke.This theory was made by Minister Rostowski , who answered Wednesday the questions posed before the parliamentary commission for the case Amber Gold

The hearing of the former finance minister in the government of Donald Tusk revealed the governments of the Platform Civic, there could have been a financial fraud on such a large scale.And the marriage of the impostors to work for so long.

And that is undoubtedly an important advantage. The interrogation, which lasted from morning until the end of the afternoon, was perhaps the most turbulent in the current two-year work of the commission.It abounded in many hard clashes, Mutuel, little mischief and political tours, going well beyond the tale substantial nu questions and answers. Such a scenario, as it seems planned and imposed from the very first minutes of the meeting with the commission by Minister Rostowski, dominated the entire interrogation. It can be said that most conflict situations were provoked by the witness and probably deliberately. Sometimes it was possible to have the impression that the witness, especially in the early hours, was trying to disrupt the hearing by disturbing the committee chair. A reaction that could justify his responsibility to disrupt the committee meeting. Bring Małgorzata Wasserman to uncontrolled reflexes. This, however, apparently did not succeed. There were, however, also some situations in which Minister Rostowski's reactions were spontaneous on the edge in an unpleasant tone. They showed the low mental strength of the witness at times when he was – as the saying goes – strongly pressed against the wall. When the committee presented clear evidence of the lack of activity of the Minister of Finance. And that was when this activity was needed. It should be reduced to the use of administrative tools made available to the Ministry of Finance, Tax Services, in order to enforce the various obligations of Amber Gold, which the owner of the company was required to respect and that he ignored for more than two years.

It is at this moment that Minister Rostowski tried to defend the lack of action of his department, a theory that I had already presented.

To illustrate, for example, the color of this interrogation, I will quote some of the characteristic statements of a witness and some members of the commission.

Have there been any consequences for anyone after the party line after detecting the Amber Gold case and its aftermath?

– the deputy head of the commission, Jarosław Krajewski, asked the witness

Platforma Obywatelska is a democratic party. It's in the PiS that the president is the sole owner. There are no party superiors in the platform. This PiS recalls the PZPR

– said Minister Rostowski, who was slightly polite.

What are you so nervous about?

– he tried to unload the situation of Krajewski, he heard:

I must be nervous. Let people see how this committee works. This note has nothing to say about the Civic Platform's government. This committee is a political theater supposed to cover the affairs of the PiS which burst each month

Małgorzata Wasserman:

Do you know why I decided to enter politics? To break the arrogant governments of which you were a member

I will forgive you, but I have a limited confidence in you. The commission is conducted in an extremely chaotic manner. The chair does not allow the witness to answer. He asks a question and then the other. Before I get to answer the first, she interrupts and asks for an answer to the second, then back to the first one.

Jacek Rostowski continues to persecute, which makes it impossible to ask any other questions. Małgorzata Wasserman probably turns off the witness's microphone to stop making other comments. When he turns on, he hears:

Please, I invite you to turn off the microphone more often to the witness. Is your election campaign for the Krakow presidency? I understand that yes.

At a certain point, the president asks a witness:

Would you like a break?

I do not need it, but Mrs. would be helpful.

When the President granted a break for the second time, noting that the witness had asked, Minister Rostowski confirmed the desire to take advantage of the break and added:

Thank you, I think it will be useful to all. Krajewski:

especially for you

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