An investigation into the defamation of Rydzyk's father


The Toruń district prosecutor's office opened an investigation into a picket organized by feminists on May 3 in front of the headquarters of Radio Maryja – Judyta Głowacka, head of the prosecutor's office, announced on Saturday. Procedures will be conducted, among other things, for images of religious feelings.

– Previously, a verification procedure had been carried out. The case requires further evaluation, which is only possible in the context of procedural actions and therefore the decision to open an investigation. The witnesses will be questioned, probably appointed will be competent, but other activities must first be performed. We have a record provided by advertisers – Judyta Głowacka said

The survey will be conducted in terms of religious education images, a crime of private insult and defamation of director from Radio Mary, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk. It will also be checked whether crimes against the denominational context have occurred – the prosecutor's office reports

The action on the birthday of Father Rydzyk

The action" Chryja pod Radiem Maryja "was held in front of the radio by the circles Feminists on the 73rd birth of the founder and director of the station Toruń

the notification of the possibility of committing a crime was the MP Anna Sobecka. In the notification, she stated that during the picket line, Rydzyk had been repeatedly dishonored, disseminating content that would deprive him of the confidence necessary to fulfill the function of director of Radio Maryja and repeatedly insulted the Redemptorist because of of its denomination. She also stated that "I have been repeatedly called against the denomination" and "repeatedly offended the religious sentiments of the announcer and his family and probably of a number of 39, other people. "

"parodies" of rituals and religious symbols. She interpreted the behavior of some participants as "contempt for the priesthood". Examples cited by the deputy included: "Mammon is blessed for you" or "Episcopal law inferior to sharia".

Opposition to the activity of Tadeusz Rydzyk

The initiators of the demonstration on May 3 in front of the headquarters of Radio Maryja were: Manifa Toruńska, Fundacja Nie Only the Polish mother, the revolutionary feminist brigade of Febr and the representatives of the national women's strike. Dozens of people participated

Assembly participants opposed the activity of Father Rydzyk accusing him, inter alia, of political and economic motives, not religious. The speeches of some people took the form of birthday greetings – the founder of Radio Maryja, for example, was asked to settle the case, "when the true rule of law and justice will come."

Author: aw // rzw
Source: PAP

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Central West District Prosecutor's Office in Toruń launched an investigation on a picket organized by feminists May 3 before …
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