An unusual situation in Sokółka. Then the students greeted Vice Minister Zieliński [WIDEO]



Author: Mariusz Grzelak / REPORTER

The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Jarosław Zieliński, visited Sokółka in 2016 and met with students. But the recording of this event has only spread on the Internet – a flash. Why? Because you can see on it and hear how the children greet politics with force: Minister, Minister, I am encouraged by the head of uniforms of Podlasie.

The recording of local TV Sokółka TV comes from the meeting with the deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in 2016. However, the popularity gained only now. You can see on it, among others The police chief of Podlachia, Daniel Kołnierowicz. The policeman was particularly noisy Wednesday because in one of the regional radio stations he talked about the police, of which Zieliński is responsible.

And this was raised by Bożena Kamińska, a PO assistant, who recently said that she had received information that the police were going to take over the deputy minister's property. – If Mrs Kaminska likes to use anonymity so much, perhaps we could organize a competition for the best anonymity of Mrs Kaminska. About real estate, business trips, ongoing activities – said Kołnierowicz on Suwałki Radio 5.

It was the police chief of Podlasie, netizens netizens noticed on the record of two years ago. The officer encouraged the children to welcome the Deputy Minister: – I scream for my slogan: I am, Minister! Yes. The little ones immediately repeated with enthusiasm after the commander. That's what it looked like:

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