Android Q with the official desktop mode. The system is ready to run on a PC


Android has long supported the display of applications in all progressive windows. However, until now, in its version of Google, it lacked a desktop view, equipment manufacturers have done it by themselves. As you can see, this is about to change.

Android device owners, especially Samsung or Huawei, probably know that after connecting to a larger screen, they can work the same way on Windows or Chrome OS. Android with OneUI or EMUI (as well as several other variants of this system) offer users a desktop mode, a window manager, a taskbar or other similar solutions in the interface.

Not all Android phones offer this option. Until now, in the so-called Android vanilla (this one came directly from Google), there was no complete view of the desktop mode, so the individual producers had created it by themselves. On Android Q, such a view should appear on devices of almost every brand.

This is the desktop mode in Android Q

On the Web, there are already more entries from the session for developers that took place during the I / O 2019 conference. During one of them, Andrii Kulian , responsible for the window manager in Android, talked about the improvements that will be made to this system by the use of foldable devices. , work on many screens or on a large surface.

Android Q will have a desktop view ready to be dedicated to each of these modes of operation. Interestingly, he has to cooperate with third-party launchers, and therefore with overlays of the Play Store such as Nova Launcher or Microsoft Launcher. Android Q will also serve the display of separate screen backgrounds on different screens.

Android q office

Application developers – that is, programmers hosting the I / O 2019 – will be able to implement in their applications solutions that enrich them with support for display views. large size and multiples. Thus, they will be able to run separate windows of the same programs in parallel on many screens and decide which windows or interface commands should appear on primary display, and who on more.

Android becomes more and more competitor of Windows or macOS

Android q office

Until now, Chrome OS was the only one to be considered a competitor of Microsoft and Apple desktop systems. Attentive observers, however, have for a long time seen further improvements in Android, such as managing applications in windows of all proportions, clearly signaling that Google sees Android as a viable alternative to devices other than ultra-mobile devices.

This is good news. A greater choice of operating software in the work device market is an advantage for all of us. It will be easier to find a platform that meets our very specific expectations. The open question remains related to the future of Chrome OS and the Fuchsia platform in the context of the above reports. Unfortunately, for the moment, we have too little information to be able to speculate on this subject.

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