Andrzej Bargiel after the release of K2


The final of this year's expedition from Andrzej Bargiel to K2 is over with great success. Having stayed in Karakorum for several weeks on Thursday, July 19, late afternoon, he left for the second camp in hopes of leading an attack on the summit on Saturday, July 21st. The next morning, the entire team moved to the third camp located at 7,000 m altitude and on Sunday, July 22, the peak attack on K2 began

– I am very happy to have managed to win the K2. I went to the top on Sunday at 4am. The weather was pretty good. Problems started on the way down – there was poor visibility and I had to wait in the fourth camp for everything to be clear because a very technical congress was waiting for me. It leads through the center of a very steep wall. I feel great joy because I am here for the second time and I am happy to not have to come back here – Andrzej Bargiel said in his style

The K2 Congress was the dream and dream of many high altitude skiers. With his achievement, Andrzej Bargiel writes an important chapter both in the history of heroism and skiing. Andrzej Bargiel was also the 13th Polish conqueror of the second in terms of height of the world's summit. He did it during his second expedition to K2. Last year, due to high temperatures and dangerous conditions, the shipment ended in failure. Andrzej was supported again this year by his brother Bartłomiej, Janusz Gołąb, Piotr Pawlus and Marek Ogień.

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