Andrzej Bargiel in the rescue operation on Latok 1


  Race against the clock at Karakorum.
Andrzej Bargiel in the rescue operation

Photo: Google Maps

Video: Google Earth
The Russian climber is imprisoned at an altitude of 6,200 meters

Polish climber Andrzej Bargiel volunteered to rescue the Russian climber Alexander Gank, who was stuck on the north pillar of Latok I (7145 m), part of Karakorum. The second Russian, Sergei Glazunov, climbing from Gukowa, fell and died.

Aleksander Gukow and Sergei Glazunov came to Pakistan with the intention of gaining 7145 meters high at the top of Latok 1.

According to information from the Russian alpine portal, climbers started 14 days ago with five days of food supply. On July 24, they broadcast a GPS signal of 6.6975 meters, but we do not know if they reached the top

Tragedy at the height

A day later, the tragedy occurred. is produced – Sergey Glazunow fell in front of Gukowa. At the time, he broadcast an SOS signal from the satellite at 6200 meters. "I need help, I have to be evacuated, Sergei fell, I stayed in the wall without the equipment," he says.

The helicopter pilot later confirmed that the body of the man was at the base of the wall. Immediately, a rescue operation was organized

A Russian climber is imprisoned at an altitude of 6,200 meters [1945900]

Two climbers from the region came to participate: Poles Andrzej Bargiel and Germany's David Gottler. Gottler remained in the base near Gastherbrum II of eight thousand and Bargiel in the Skardu military base.

One and the other were receiving a helicopter that was transporting them to Latok 1. The machine managed to take off however – as reported to him. mountaineer in the afternoon – bad weather prevented them from being transported to Latok. Another attempt will be made on Friday morning.

Two options are planned to help a Russian prisoner: reach the climbers directly to Gukowa or provide him with helicopter equipment that will allow him to descend alone

The Russians conquer the summit by a new northern route, the supposedly. […]

Andrzej Bargiel won the K2 peak Sunday morning (8,611 m) and was the first in the world to ski up to the base of the mountain. A few days earlier, Andrzej and Bartłomiej Bargiel helped save the wounded Briton to Karakorum. They sent a drone into the mountains, thanks to which Rick Allen managed to locate

Author: mm // rzw
Source: PAP,

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