Andrzej Bargiel skied from the top of K2


Andrzej Bargiel, first man of history, skied from the top of K2 (8611m). Nobody did it before him. This is the fourth eight thousand in the career of a 30-year-old zakopiańczyk, from which he returned to the base

Many great skiers tried to do it before Bargiel, but they failed – they had to give up during the climb, because that during the descent because of bad conditions, it was necessary to detach the skis

The 30-year-old athlete from Zakopane managed not only to walk alone on skis, but to leave the summit at the base

Final of the This year 's expedition of Andrzej Bargiel on K2 he has ended with great success. Having stayed in Karakorum for several weeks on Thursday, July 19, late afternoon, he left for the second camp in hopes of leading an attack on the summit on Saturday, July 21st. The next morning, the entire team moved to the third camp located at an altitude of 7,000 meters and on Sunday, July 22, the peak attack on K2 began.

Bargiel at the top of K2 stood around 8:25 Polish time. For him, however, it was only a stop because he wanted to become the first man in the world to leave K2 on skis

According to information provided by FMR FM – the congress began around 9:00. Bargiel had to take a break in the fourth camp at an altitude of about 8,000 meters. To stop a long time, the skier forced the clouds which, covering the entire summit of K2, limited visibility to a few meters.

This forced stop at 8000 meters took about an hour Before 1 pm, Andrzej Bargiel went to the base. Before 14:00, he went to the third camp at 7,000 meters. Janusz Gołąb was waiting there, who in the "three" – remember it – is Friday. After a short stop, Bargiel has already moved to the base

GPS locators, it finally appears that Bargiel reported in the database at a quarter of an hour before 4 pm A historical feat is come true! Abruzzi, Messner Road and Kukuczka and Piotrowski Road. Andrzej Bargiel is again enrolled in the history of heroism and skialpinism of the world.

Andrzej Bargiel is a Polish alpine skier, mountaineer and mountain runner. In 2017, he made a first attempt to descend the K2, but the expedition ended in bad weather.

"Then the weather definitely dropped, even if I could climb to the top, the security convention was excluded." from Łętownia near Limanowa Bargiel

Now he succeeded: Andrzej Bargiel, as the first man in history, left K2 on skis! And it's another feat of its kind.

In 2013, Zakopane – as the first Pole in history – won another eight thousand, Shishapangma, on skis and came out of his top. The following year, he reached the summit of Manaslu in record time, and then as a second man in history, he descended from this ski summit. In turn, in 2015, Bargiel – as the first man in the world – went skiing from Broad Peak.

Andrzej Bargiel was also the 13th Polish conqueror of the second in terms of height of the world's summit. He did it during his second expedition to K2.

Interestingly, the historical achievement was also recorded today … the younger brother of Andrzej Bargiel, Bartek, who we managed to fly and land on the top of the K2 drone! This is the first feat of this kind in the world.

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