Andrzej Celiński: Jan Śpiewak, you are just …


The SLD candidate has gone beyond the limits of good taste; Andrzej Celiński's campaign ended before she began – said Jan Śpiewak, the leader of the Wolne Miasto Warszawa Association. This is a reaction to an offensive message that Celiński posted in the network to his address

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"Janie Śpiewaku, you just … Court, please … Not for a word The content of your message" – is a fragment of the article that Celiński has posted on Facebook.

The SLD candidate (formerly Minister of Culture in Leszek Miller's government) was referring to Monday's entry of Śpiewak on Facebook.

WMW leader and the committee of candidates Win Warsaw as president of the capital later commented on his victory in court with General Marian Robełkiem.

"I won at the court of first instance with General Marian Robełk." The general prosecuted for revealing his role in the care of houses in the center of Warsaw The court rejected the case "- informed Śpiewak on Facebook.

As he added, "the general was one of the pioneers of wild reprivatisation." – He and his partners took over dozens of properties in Warsaw – he stressed.

Śpiewak also wrote that "Robełek belongs to the elite of the post-communist nomenklatura who has gone from the army to" business "."

Jan Śpiewak lost the case before the former mayor of Śródmieście

Jan Śpiewak, president of the Wolne Miasto Warszawa association, must apologize to the former mayor of Śródmieście, Wojciech Bartelski, for stating that …

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"General Robełek had an interesting economic past, his name goes back to the companies associated with the PRL nomenclature, among them Megagaz, which was to build the third branch of the" Friendship "pipeline. of the company's supervisory board was one of the leaders of the SLD-UP coalition Andrzej Celiński "- said Śpiewak.

"As Wprost wrote in 2004:" In Megagaz, it is full of former Security Service officers, UOP and high-ranking retired Polish Army. " Megagaz, also an officer of the Polish People's Army, committed suicide after the prosecution, shooting himself in the head "- said Śpiewak. He cited here a fragment of his book The Stolen City, in which he referred to press articles about it.

"I was at MEGAGAZO on the board and I saw no scam in my presence.What ever, the gas wire is the future. Was not there anymore, which does not mean that there was something wrong, I just was not there … I had a dispute with a certain Marek Król , WPROST, which you call in your stupidity "- said Celiński.

"Secretary of the Central Committee." KNIGHT "He has published what you are recklessly invoking. </ P> <p> If your campaign is to resist this, you will lose and you will ruin your real achievements. It's just that it's just "- has completed his entry as an SLD candidate for the capital's president.

The reaction of the head of the Wolne Miasto Warszawa Association did not take long. Singer, a moment later, referred to the entry of Celiński on Twitter.

"The SLD candidate has just crossed the border not only good taste, but also basic principles of conducting public debate" – said the head of the association Wolne Miasto Warsaw.

Śpiewak also addressed the issue to the SLD authorities. "Is this the official position @sldpoland? The Celiński campaign ended before it started," he added.

Śpiewak also commented on Celiński's entry on Facebook. "You drink – do not write," he says.

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The Warsaw Court of Appeal ruled that Robert N. and a former BGN official Jakub R. were suspected of corruption and fraud during reprivatization …

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SLD spokesperson Anna Maria Żukowska is joining the discussion among the presidential candidates in Warsaw.

"Celiński has never spoken with words, because you, in an indisputable and balanced way, try to soak him in a wild reprivatization, that he didn`t and has nothing to do with, he has bitten into his own style.As he is not a member of the SLD, my plea does not include it, "writes Żukowska, responding to Śpiewak.

When another participant in the discussion noted that "SLD had announced it a month ago as an official candidate, so apart from the merits, I think that Ms. Celiński is covered by your denunciation" Zhukovskaya replied, "When will the campaign begin?"

A spokeswoman for the Alliance of the Democratic Left, asked for a wider comment, said: "I have already referred to this issue on Twitter and no further comment".


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