Andrzej Wajda wrote a letter to Krystyna Janda a month before his death. She showed him


Andrzej Wajda, less than a month before his death, decided to honor the first encounter with Krystyn Jand on the set of the film "Man of Marble". Now, almost two years after the death of the eminent director, Krystyna Janda decided to show this correspondence

Letter from Andrzej Wajda to Krystyna Janda

The director, even at meetings with Students, used to say that he engaged Krystyna Janda to the role of Agnieszka's reporter in "Man of Marble", because he liked how he smoked when he heard a cigarette. She also wrote about the energy of the actress in the list, although there are also references to the political situation of that time.

Here is what the transcript of this message looks like:

Krystyna Droga,

already the 40th anniversary of our encounter in the film & # 39; & # 39; Marble man & # 39;

I am pleased that your energy in the form of Agnieszka was only an announcement of what you had to say, and the gesture Kozakiewicz's attitude towards TVP was and continues to serve the just cause of our concept of Democracy

I've finished "Afterimages" and I'm busy with the next movie, maybe do you have something for me?

I support myself with a walker, but I stand up, do not say my own head.

I greet you with all my heart for our 40th birthday and I am happy that fate has allowed me to meet.

Cordiality ci

Andrzej Wajda

This is a very private message, most people appreciate gesture of the actress ili. In the comments, under the image of the letter, we can see that many people are moved and affected. Both Andrzej Wajda wrote it manually rather than using the computer as well as the message content. Here are some of the following statements:

A memorial for all life …. you have beautiful memories

A letter … A handwritten letter written for a reason or state of mind. .. Today is already 'Sensation

Wonderful … and finally in the right case (FREEDOM)

Wonderful. Shrinkage ± EC. Always at the hour. ± CE instructions. Persuasive to many reflections.

Andrzej Wajda died on October 9, 2016 in Warsaw. As you can see until the end, he wanted to work.

What about cinema in July? We lived to see the return of "The Incredibles" and "Mamma Mia"!

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