Anna and Robert Lewandowski have a crisis? Apparently, it started after the World Cup. The oil adds fire to their latest photos


Anna and Robert Lewandowscy are considered one of the most ripped couples in the Polish show world. They both put the family first, they encourage each other in interviews and they always support each other. Recently, however, they have become less effusive and far more distant. At Anna Korcz's wedding, they behaved differently than usual.

Anna and Robert Lewandowscy have a crisis?

Anna and Robert came to Anna Korcz's wedding last weekend. It was their first official start since the World Cup. And although the spouses met, they behaved as if they were separated.

The Lewandowski family did not hang on their hands. They did not even go side by side. The footballer came two steps behind Ania and his face was in vain to look for a smile. The athlete looked discouraged and sad. None of the images recorded the moment when Ania and Robert looked at each other. It's a pretty strange behavior as a couple who has always shown affection in public.

Lewandowscy did not boast about the image of marriage

Spouses got used to their fans that during holidays, birthdays or even weddings, their photo of their event appears on their instagram profiles. There have never been movies on InstaStories. But not this time. Each of them was overwhelmed by the wedding reception of Anna Korcz.

Aninia and Robert could only be seen in the Instastories invited to a wedding, Zofia Zborowska. However, not together. The coach appeared on one record and the athlete on another

Zosia Zborowska showed how the correction of Anna Korcz looked like

The Lewandowski crisis began with the World Cup

Early July, the Lewandowscy left with their daughter On vacation Both Ania and Robert boast of an identical photo, common beach

However, since then, silence. The trainer regularly posts articles related to the work on Instagram, while on the player's profile, only one photo has appeared in the gym since the holidays.

Many people think that the Lewandowscy is going through a crisis that began after the World Cup. Let us remind you that after the departure of the Polish National Team from the World Cup, Anna has released an image of her beloved on her Instagrame, from which she received a touching signature.

"The human strength is not that he ever falls, but he can get up." Sadly on my heart. But I still support like any other mother. For good and for bad. I love, I appreciate, I respect, I support, thank you

Do you think that despite the support, the hatred that began after the loss of the Poles at the World Cup has affected their relationship?


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