Anna Dymna asks for help. The state of the Polish film legend is dramatic


Anna Dymna is one of the biggest stars of Polish cinema for years. Currently, the artist focuses primarily on charity work. She could not remain indifferent when the media had received information about the very poor health of the eminent national director, whom she had immediately decided to help.

Anna Dymna is an excellent actress who, thanks to exceptional roles, has been appreciated by millions of Poles. Interestingly, the most important mission of life, however, has finally turned out to be a charity work for the Star of Everything Foundation created by the star.

Anna Dymna wants to help Kazimierz Kutz. What's going on with an exceptional director?

It is this organization that decided to open a special sub-account with a fundraiser for the treatment and rehabilitation of Kazimierz Kutz. Let us remember that the director and the politician have for some time been suffering from very serious neurological problems, which greatly disturbed Dymna and her many sympathizers.

– Kazimierz is cared for by doctors and his family. He is surrounded by people close to him, he is being rehabilitated and we all think he will recover quickly, said Kutz in a conversation with Fakt, close to his family, giving public opinion a great hope, always mixed with anxiety.

An exceptional artist asks for help! He does not intend to wait any longer

Anna Dymna, who knew Kutz very well and appreciated his work, could not remain indifferent in this respect. The opening has called the public to make donations that will go to the director that she loves and will allow her to fight for recovery.



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– Ladies and gentlemen, dear artists. Kazimierz Kutz – a great Polish director, friend of many of us, is seriously ill. I need our help After talking with my friends and my family, I created a special sub account at number 65 1090 1665 0000 0001 0373 733 but, still, you can drop the 39, money by adding the slogan Kazimierz Kutz & # 39; Each payment is a specific help. Let's be with Kazia in these difficult times – Anna Dymna wrote in a special statement which, on her initiative, was passed on to the Polish media.

Kazimierz Kutz is currently in a care facility in Józefów, near Warsaw, where many specialists are taking care of him. The 89-year-old director and social activist is struggling to recover, which fans and his friends want to give him. The donations they make will undoubtedly facilitate this complex and very demanding battle of the highest bid.


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