Anna Grejman – Bartosz Kurek's Fiance – Leaves Chemik Police


Grejman joined the Polish champion before the current season and planned to be in Chemika at least until May 2019.

However, the situation has changed and the club has agreed to terminate the contract by agreement – we read it on the club's website.

– This is no secret to anyone, Ania is a private fiancée of Bartosz Kurek. Due to changes in Bartek's sporting life, Ania asked for the possibility of terminating the contract. Because of his kindness, we decided not to do it upstream and give him his consent. Despite his premature break, we wish him every success and luck in his private and sporting life – commented Paweł Frankowski, club president.

SEE ALSO: Bartosz Kurek has proposed to Annie Grejman! Who is his partner?

Due to the dynamic situation and the speed of events, the club will consider the possibility of calling on a fourth host who will eventually replace Anna Grejman in the Chemik team.

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