Anna Krupka, Deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism


According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the PiS claims that the candidacy is made to cry, because Krupka had great ambitions to become the marshal of the province of iwiętokrzyskie.

Krupki announced the creation of the sports and tourism center on Twitter.

Krupka is co-author of the "Law and Justice – An Opportunity for Young People" program. She participated in the drafting of the program "Safe Poland, Polish Solidarity, Modern Poland". In PiS, she called the makeup artist, because a few years ago she was responsible for preparing Jarosław Kaczyński for performances in front of the cameras.

She was born on October 30, 1981 in Warsaw. She graduated in sociology at the University of Warsaw. Graduate Graduate "Internet Marketing" at the Warsaw School of Economics.

With the Justice and Justice Party involved since 2005, she has worked for electoral staff in winning parliamentary and presidential campaigns, and then for the Office of Internet Communication. Since 2013, he is a member of the PiS Policy Council.

In 2014, she was elected a councilor at the Mazovia Regional Assembly. It won the highest number of votes of all PiS candidates at regional assemblies in Poland. A Sejm member of the 8th term, she worked in the Sejm infrastructure committee.

Since March 2017, the chairman of the PiS VoS local government team in the province of więtokrzyskie, where she actively participated in sports infrastructure development activities.

She will also be responsible for this area as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. Minister Witold Bańka also entrusted his concerns to strengthening the competitiveness of the Polish tourist offer, in particular to the coordination and implementation of the Polish tourist mark project, whose main objective is of tourist regions.

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