Anna Lewandowska and Robert Lewandowski have a crisis? This photo leaves no doubt


  Lewandowska Anna Lewandowska Klara Lewandowska

Anna Lewandowska Robert Lewandowski Klara Lewandowska

At the Lewandowski weekend, they were at the wedding party of friends. However, when we look at pictures of the event, it is clear that they did not have the best …

Last weekend Anna Lewandowska and Robert Lewandowski were having fun at a wedding party. Anna Korcz invited them to their wedding. Surprisingly, there is no relationship with the event on the athletes' instagram. We discovered their presence of the guest institute at the wedding of Zofia Zborowska. They did not behave as usual. Or the Lewandowski couple in crisis ?

Anna Lewandowska and Robert Lewandowski were considered an ideal marriage. They have always shown affection in public. However, everything changed after being unlucky for the Poles of the World Cup.

>> Anna Lewandowska and Robert Lewandowski after the World Cup lose a lot. What future with Lewy's career?

Anna and Rbert Lewandowscy have a crisis?

After the relationship with the marriage of Anna Korcz, we can guess that the World had a very bad influence on the relationship of the spouses. It seems Anna Lewandowska and Robert Lewandowski are in crisis . At the wedding, not only did they not hold hands, they did not even walk side by side. They avoided eye contact and apparently did not speak much.

At the instastories Zofia Zborowska this also shows that they do not hear too well. Virtually on each video, the couple are sitting separately …

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Does Anna Lewandowska and Robert Lewandowski have problems? After all, they just came back from their holidays, so the mood should be champagne …

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