Anna Starmach has a luxury stroller for … 15,000 zlotys (FOTO)


Anna Starmach has a luxury stroller for ... 15,000 zlotys (FOTO)

These last years Anna Starmach From a little known cooking expert, she has turned into a popular author of cookbooks and sworn in the Polish edition Master Chefa. Krakowianka can boast of both professional and private happiness: at the beginning of the month, the 31-year-old woman became a little mother Jagnawhich is the fruit of a celebrity relationship with Piotr Kuski.

See: Anna Starmach is born! She showed the picture and betrayed her daughter's name (PHOTO)

A sympathy that he likes Ania among the Poles is reflected in the number of his fans on Instagram – Starmach tracks over 300,000 fans. On Tuesday, the star decided to use the popular platform to share with netizens a photo of the first ride, which took her daughter under a month old. By the way, she congratulated the trolley of the luxury brand Silver cross: the model visible on the picture is worth it … PLN 15,000.

since Jagna he is with us, I learn something every day – she wrote Ania. Everything is new, everything can be surprising, everything can be appreciated. And even though I visited half the world with a backpack, the emotions that accompanied our first walk leave all destinations far behind! Small – thank you! Moms, dads, and how do you remember the first walk? Is that how you lived?

"Beautiful stroller", "Ania, you have a nice stroller. Best wishes and best wishes to you both, "" You are superb! I am jealous of the cart… " – the fans complimented.

Given the popularity or among the most diverse advertisers, the basket was probably presented to celebrities for promotional purposes. Jealous?

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