Anonymous contest for purchase orders and explanations. Comments on the words of the commander of Podlasie


I hope that Minister Joachim Brudzinski will release this gentleman – said Marcin Kierwiński, MP Platforma Obywatelska. Tadeusz Cymański from Solidarna Polski asserted that "even the uniform does not defend itself against emotions". These are comments on the words of the police commander of Podlasie, who proposed an "anonymous contest" about the MP. Daniel Kołnierowicz explains: – I did not say that we "announce" the contest, but only "we can announce it".

The police commander of Podlaskie, Daniel Kołnierowicz, suggested Monday that it would be possible to announce a "best anonymous contest" about Bożena Kamińska, a member of Platforma Obywatelska. This is how he reacted to information regarding the inspection report prepared by the police headquarters. The controllers were sent to Podlasie after a political party MP in the Seym revealed a series of anonymous policemen, who complained, among other things, that they must monitor the home of Deputy Minister Jarosław Zieliński throughout the year.

See the material of "Fakts" TVN: "Confetti, red carpets and security 24/24, all the privileges of Deputy Minister Zieliński"

On Wednesday, the statement of the police commander of Podlasie was made by politicians.

"He should not wear the uniform at all"

– We will not leave this case for sure, although I hope that the Minister of the Interior and Administration Joachim Brudziński will have some logical remnants in his thinking, remnants of decency and release it, said Marcin Kierwiński of Platforma Obywatelska.

– This gentleman should not only be the chief of the provincial police, but he should not wear the uniform at all, because he is joking as well – if he is serious, that 's it. is unimportant – it's just ashamed of the police officer's uniform – continued the parliamentarian PO.

He added that "a policeman is supposed to help a citizen and this gentleman says: I am going to organize a contest to denounce the citizens".

"Everything is good to hit the PiS"

Tadeusz Cymański from Solidarna Polska (Club PiS), assessing Commander Krolrowicz's comments, said that "even the uniform does not defend its emotions".

– Maybe it should keep the stone calm, maybe, but condemn it and make this so-called ride in the media, sensationalism is not what we need it most now he said.

– I am not a supporter of this and I do not know the subject in detail, but I think everything is good to hit the PiS – Cymański summary.


Tadeusz Cymański on the statement by Superintendent Daniel Kołnierowicz

Video: tvn24 Tadeusz Cymański on the statement by Superintendent Daniel Kołnierowicz

Kaminska: the more a translated, the more guilty he is

MEP Bożena Kamińska said Wednesday that the behavior of Commander Kołnierowicz would like to explain to a higher level.

– The commander does not have the right to judge the activities of the MP, I do not want to say that the opposition – she said. She pointed out that "the act is written: police officers are apolitical – and it would be worth it for the commander to remember it first".

As reported Justyna Sieklucka, TVN24 reporter, during a phone conversation with MP Boena Kamińska, said that Superintendent Daniel Kołnierowicz should not refer to the post-audit report on the radio and that the more one explains it, the more he is guilty.

According to the reporter, Kaminska said that it was better to leave the idea of ​​anonymous competition without comments.

"I did not say we announced a contest, but we can announce it"

Superintendent Daniel Kollrowicz translated his statement from Monday Wednesday. – This "contest" was a comment on what Ms Kaminska is doing, because it is only a simple contest that actually takes place – said the police chief of Podlaskie.

In his opinion, the OP policy not only encourages police officers to write anonymous, but also publishes them – without confirming them.

– Based on these anonymous anecdotal and published (Kaminska), he formulates totally unproven theses. These theses go around the world and are accepted by some media as real. And the police in Podlasie are involved, "said Kołnierowicz.

He assured that he had not insisted on the real "anonymous contest".

– I did not say that we "announce" the competition, but only that "we can announce" the competition – said the commander.

Author: akr // rzw
Source: TVN24, PAP

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