Another demonstration in the Supreme Court. Lech Wałęsa: We face street criteria


On the square before the Supreme Court, there is a protest against the changes in the judicial system. Several hundred people participate. Among the speakers are, among others Lech Wałęsa. "We are threatened by the criteria of the street, but we fought for the electoral map, we must peacefully withdraw those who break the law," – said the former president.

On the one hand, Lech Wałęsa has warmed the fight against the current authorities, and on the other hand, he criticized the current opposition.

With such a large number of people, we will not win much – was pointed out by the former president, who before the arrival announced that he was counting on at least one hundred thousand demonstrators.

I am too old myself, I am over 70 years old – [1945900] talked about the role of the former head of Solidarity.

I will look, I will stay here a few days [1945900] Lech Walesa is the first of a dozen speakers, among whom the spokesman of the Judges Association Iustitia Bartłomiej Przymusiński, President of the Supreme Bar Jacek Trela, head of the National Chamber of Counsel Maciej Bobrowicz, or Judge Igor Tuley, who ordered the prosecutor's office to resume the investigation on the transfer of votes on the budget to Column Hall.

At this moment, there are several dozen people in the square. On the other side of Miodowa Street, there is a small group of counter-protesters in front of the garrison church.

Yesterday, dozens of protests against the Supreme Court were held in dozens of Polish cities. According to opponents, the law introduced by the votes of deputies PiS is unconstitutional. This sentence is the President of the Supreme Court Małgorzata Gersdorf.

Demonstrations took place in the largest cities, for example in Warsaw in front of the headquarters of the Supreme Court in Warsaw. The participants of the demonstration had Polish flags and the European Union with them.

Krasinsky Square was almost full and the demonstration began with the singing of the Polish national anthem. Among the protesters was also the first president of the SN Małgorzata Gersdorf.

Several hundred people also protested in Plac Wolności in Poznań. The participants of the demonstration had Polish and European flags with them. We do not forgive – emphasize the organizers.

Several hundred people protested in the Łódź District Court.

Demonstrations also took place in Cracow, Wroclaw, Katowice, Kielce, Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz and Toruń, among others.

In protest in Gdańsk participated, among others the former President Lech Wałęsa.


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