Another mysterious disease shakes England after the poisoning of the spy


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Four months after a quiet corner of England was plunged into a saga of spies, chemical weapons and international tensions of Cold War style, locals wondered Wednesday whether this was happening again.

The anti – terrorism detectives and local police were investigating after a couple of 40 years old became seriously ill. exposure to an unknown substance a few kilometers from where a former Russian spy and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve agent in March.

Scientists were working to identify the substance among speculations that the victims might have been sickened by the poison residue. almost killed Sergei and Yulia Skripal.

Wiltshire police reported the case "a major incident" Wednesday, four days after the man and woman were found collapsed in a residential building in Amesbury, eight miles away (13 kilometers) from Salisbury, where the Skripals were poisoned. A major incident designation allows British authorities to mobilize more than one emergency agency

Residents felt a sense of déjà-vu

"The Russian attack having had place a short time ago, we assumed the worst. " Edwards, who said police and firefighters descended on a quiet street of newly built homes in Amesbury on Saturday night.

Edwards said that she saw people in green suits – like those worn by forensic doctors – and her family

Police said the police were first called Saturday morning about a collapsed woman, and then were called back in the evening after a man got sick on the same property. The police initially thought that the couple, identified by friends like Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley, 45, had taken a contaminated lot of heroin or crack

"However, d. Other tests are being done to establish the substance that have caused these patients to get sick, "said Deputy Chief Paul Mills. "At this point, it is not yet clear whether a crime has been committed."

The London Metropolitan Police said that "given the recent events in Salisbury," the anti-terrorist police were working with the local police on the investigation. reported that samples of the mysterious substance had been sent to the Porton Down Defense Research Lab for testing.

Prime Minister Theresa May's office said that she was kept abreast of the case, "which is naturally handled with the utmost seriousness."

The response of the emergency services echoes that of Sergueï Skripal, 67 years old. The former Russian intelligence officer was convicted of British espionage before coming to the UK as part of an exchange of prisoners in 2010.

in Salisbury, a cathedral city located 145 kilometers southwest of London, when he was hit by his 33-year-old daughter, Yulia, who was visiting her.

Skripal Disease They fled the doctors after being found unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury. Scientists at Porton Down concluded that they had been poisoned with Novichok, a type of nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

After spending weeks in critical condition, the Skripals were released from the hospital and taken to an unknown location for protection. Doctors say that they do not know what is the long-term prognosis.

Britain accuses Russia of poisoning the Skripals, an assertion Moscow categorically denies. The case sparked a diplomatic crisis between Russia and the West, including the expulsion of hundreds of diplomats from both sides.

The two victims of Amesbury were at the Salisbury District Hospital, which was also treating the Skripal. Police said the victims were British citizens and lived in the area.

The neighbors of Muggleton Street in Amesbury, where Rowley would live, said they did not know the couple well and did not know what they were doing in life. Most residents have only recently moved into new homes and apartments.

Sam Hobson, a friend of the couple, said that he was with them on Saturday, when Sturgess got sick first. He told Sky News that she "had a seizure, foam was coming out of her mouth". Rowley's collapsed later the same day.

"He was sweating, he was dribbling … he was rocking back and forth," Hobson said. "There was no response from him, he did not even know I was there."

Police cordoned off a house in Amesbury, which is believed to be Rowley's, and other places visited, including a church, pharmacy and parking lot in Salisbury, near the town. Where the Skripals were Found

Health officials said that there was no greater risk to the public, but they continued to monitor the situation.

Salisbury and Surrounding Cities Police officers from 40 departments in England and Wales returned home in June after months of work on the Skripal case, and specially trained workers spent months decontaminating the sites around the city.

The British government has promised 2.5 million pounds (3.3 million dollars) to local businesses to make up for lost revenue in the region, which is a gateway to Stonehenge ancient stone circle which is a huge tourist destination. Amesbury is a lovely place – it's very quiet, no-nonsense, "said resident Rosemary Northing." So for this to happen, and the media reaction and uncertainty, that's all there is to it. is disturbing. "

Justin Doughty, who lives on the other side of the street, said the locals wanted more information from the authorities.We do not know, to be honest now because it's related to Salisbury or is it related to drugs? "he said. "None of us are told anything by the police, and it would be nice to know something."

Lawless reported from London. Danica Kirka in London contributed to this story.

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