Another problem with the reconstruction of Al. Raclawickie. The money is missing


There is a problem. And it's big. This is about the reconstruction of Al. Racławickie, Poniatowski and Lipowa. The second call for tenders, intended to select the contractor for the works, dismayed the town hall. The reason? L & # 39; money.

– For the second time, we received offers of a level similar to that of the first case. Although we have done everything to check them – says Krzysztof Żuk, president of Lublin.

Several tens of millions are missing

The town hall of this reconstruction, including it has reserved 41,2 million zlotys for the creation of buspas on Racławice, Poniatowski and Lipowa. On Monday, he responded to business expectations. A consortium and two companies compete for the contract.

The lowest bid was presented by a consortium of two companies: PRD Lubartów and KPRD Lublin. He expects 107 million zlotys for work. However, it is 65.9 million PLN more than the city owns. The other offers were even higher. Strabag claimed 107.6 million zlotys for its works (66.5 million zlotys more than the town hall) and the most expensive Budimex – 122.5 million zlotys ("sting" of 81.4 million zlotys).

The offers of the previous cancellation due to the high prices of the tender of July this year were slightly higher: consortiums PRD Lubartów and KPRD Lublin – 108,8 million PLN, Strabag – 127 PLN 2 million, Budimex – PLN 131.1 million.

– We will analyze the offers – announces Zuk.

The town hall now has three routes to choose from. First of all: give up the investment. – I do not want to speculate on this topic – however, uk cuts.

Another option is to repeat the call for bids. This is the second selection procedure for a contractor for the works. And despite, for example, the extension of the implementation period until the end of October 2020, that is to say that by six months, offers have changed little compared to those of the summer.

The third option is to add money. Where to get them? – We will try to increase the level of funding of the EU. In the program of East Poland, such opportunities exist – says uk.

Here is an important reminder. The reconstruction of Racławice, Poniatowski and Lipowa is a "two-part" project. In addition to changes to the road, it also provides for the purchase of buses and trolleybuses.

– There is really a big chance to increase the funding to buy vehicles. In the case of the road part, everything will depend on the savings realized on the implementation of other projects – says Żuk.

In order to decide what to do with the call for bids, the Town Hall will leave you time until the end of the year.

Buspasy through the center

On Al Racławickie must be replaced by asphalt, far right lanes – in both directions – change lane reserved for buses, a bike path will be created (on both sides of the road). The investment will also include the reconstruction of ul. Linden. As on Racławickie, bus pages will be displayed as well as an enlargement – up to four lanes – ul. Poniatowski.

On al. Racławickie is also planning to install additional traffic lights. They will appear at the intersection with ul. Puławska, at the pedestrian crossing in front of the presbytery of the University of Medicine and at the intersection with ul. Grottger.


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