Apartment for start: Additional payment for rent for 15 years. The Sejm passed a law that will now go to the Senate


An apartment to start. What changes to the law?

At the Thursday Sejm meeting (July 6), amendments to the bill on subsidies for apartment rentals were approved.

The period of granting subsidies for the rent of the rented apartments will be 15 years, not 9 years as before. The Sejm has also approved the granting of subsidies to tenants who live in apartments for 20 years since the end of the investment.

1000 apartments in Katowice under the program Mieszkanie Plus

"Grants will be granted to tenants who occupy the apartment within 20 years of the investment." A starter home will help people who can not afford to rent or buy an apartment. commercial market, however, their income is too high to apply for municipal housing, "reads the statement from the Ministry of Investment and Development

.Housing subsidies should contribute to the increase family budgets with the operation of the house, and is to ensure a stable maintenance of local long-term – comments Deputy Minister Artur Soboń in the MIiR message.

Apartment to start. Criteria for the program

The main criterion for obtaining subsidies in the program Mieszkanie na start is income . Households with one household will be eligible for the subsidy, provided that their monthly income does not exceed the average remuneration in the national economy, which is published by the Central Office of Statistics . Another person in a household means increasing the 60% limit of another 30% . In practice, this means that in the case of a household of two people, the limit is 90% of the average salary, in the case of three people of 120%, etc.

The beneficiaries of the government program will remain under control to meet these criteria . If this is not the case, they must count with suspension or extinction of the subsidies .

The use of additional payments will not depend on the option:

  • renting of an apartment with the acquisition of the property
  • rental of the apartment

Another criterion appearing in the new entry is open criterion . This will allow the municipality to choose the beneficiaries of the program not only on the basis of statutory criteria, but also from another – own .

In the end, the contract will be decided by an investor who assesses the rental capacity – said in Sejm Artur Soboń

deputies at the Sejm sitting, deputies voted as follows:

  • ] 7 abstention


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