Arab sentenced for the Smolesk disasters. But we can imagine if we do not give the plane to the president …


A week after the sentence recognizing the culpability of Tomasz Arabski, head of the office of Prime Minister Donald Tusk during the Smolensk disaster in April 2010, PiS politicians and the media concerned do not stop complaining and complaining. announce "Arabian".

On Monday, the Tupolev explosions expert, Antoni Macierewicz, former Minister of National Defense, took the floor. He said that it was time for Tusk.

On the same day, Jacek Sasin, in 2010, deputy head of the Chancellery of the President, assured that if Arabski did not agree on the flight of President Lech Kaczyński to Smolensk, the Chancellery "would consider a different place. ".

I remind those who today are so eager to attack Arabski and who should follow in his footsteps, the justification of the sentence. It indicated three institutions guilty of having accepted a cruise to the airport, where the plane with the president had no right to land, as well as three days earlier with Prime Minister Tusk.

As established during the trial, the wine is distributed evenly over the offices of the Prime Minister and Presidents, as well as the command of the 36th Special Regiment of Air Transport, which was responsible for the import of personalities. the most important of the state. Both chambers and the regiment command knew that the airport was closed and did not meet security criteria. Still, they decided to go because …

Exactly. As we heard in the verdict, "Tomasz Arabski should do his best to prevent such an organized flight to Smolensk". He should simply "refuse" (this word also fell into the verdict) to the president who planned a prestigious ceremony in Smolensk to launch his re-election campaign. In short, Arabski was convicted for giving the head of state to the aircraft.

Imagine what would happen if Arabski "refused". The magnitude of the political unrest that the PiS would provoke in this case would be unimaginable. The media would be upset by the statements of experts that the airport of Siewiernyj is in a sensational state and by the refusal to land at a presidential plane, it 's all about. pure government malice and, of course, Tusk's plot with Putin.

Similarly, it would be if the Russian controllers closed the airport because of bad conditions. Here too, experts and witnesses would say that the fog was not so dense and that the "tower" of Smolensk had high performance equipment of the last generation. Conspiracy? As much as possible … Even Macierewicz would have had something to do … He would have also called a commission, but not about the disaster.

Thomas Arabski is not responsible for the tragedy. Ultimately, this was caused by Polish pilots. When the plane is too low in a very dense fog, they get an idea of ​​what you need to fly and land at all costs. This "want to be able".

They operated under the same pressure as the Arab command of the regiment and probably also the officials of the Chancellery of the President, many of whom died on April 10.

Survivors today are responsible for the mistakes of the dead.

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