Are LED lamps really so good?


  • Make no mistake: some LED headlamps do not shine better than halogens
  • While xenon lamps are in reverse, traditional headlights using H4 / H7 bulbs will be used for a long time
  • Are you planning to buy cars with LED lamps? To avoid disappointment, take a test drive after dark.

The history of automotive lighting is experiencing some important advances, for example 1962 and the introduction of a halogen bulb, which – in a slightly modified form! – it is offered to date. The transition from the "classic" light bulbs used until then (more or less, what everyone had until now in the lamps above the kitchen table) for advanced lighting – as for those times – Halogen lighting was a big revolution. Suddenly, driving the night has stopped being a challenge.

In the early 90's of the 20th century – a first in luxury cars – xenon lamps began to appear, setting standards in the field of lighting for the next 15 to 20 years. Not without reason: high durability, light color similar to daylight, that is to say something that ordinary halogen can not achieve. In addition, the ease with which other drivers give way to the owner of the car with "xenons", but also – unfortunately – considerable production costs.

In 2008, Audi launched the first car (sports R8) with a headlamp made entirely of LED technology (low beam, high beam, direction indicators, called Full LED). Today, LEDs have evolved considerably, their production is cheaper than that of xenon headlights (which means in practice the end of this technology, see below) and are beginning to appear in more and more countries. models, even urban for 50 to 70 000. zł. The problem is that quality and efficiency do not always follow their actual appearance. – The first LEDs used massively, that is to say those of 4-5 years ago – explains Jürgen Melzer, expert at Lumileds, manufacturer of bulbs and burners, among others for Philips and Narvy – they were not as productive as those produced today. They had a lower intensity light beam, a short range and a cut line that was not always perfectly guided. This has been improved with the development of technology.

In support of his remarks, the Lumileds engineer lights an example of a LED floodlight and projects his light onto the laboratory wall. Shortly after, he switches to the headlamp with the "strong" H7 bulb, then xenon. Both, even for non-professional eyes, give a more pleasant light than a low reference LED, its distribution is more uniform. – The truth is – Melzer finishes – that only a few manufacturers make good LED lamps today. Good news? LED is the technology of the future, which will be intensively developed.

Another problem with LEDs is the high cost associated with possible wear and post-accident repairs. The estimated lifespan of LED headlights is very high, but they are rather irreparable. Rather, companies are responsible for exchanging used LEDs for daytime driving, as well as those used in the rear lights of some models. Suffice it to say that, for example, in the case of the Peugeot 308 of 2014, a "standard" halogen headlamp costs about 900 PLN and a complete LED lamp – from less than 3300 PLN (brand replacement).

Are you planning to buy cars with LED lamps? To avoid disappointment, take a test drive after dark. The first impression can be positive, because the color of the LED light is similar to that of the day, and before the car is really bright. Attention should be paid to the way the road is illuminated at a distance of more than 30 meters in front of the car, as the range of the lamps is modest. On many models, to be able to circulate freely after dark, it is necessary to adjust the LED lighting so that those who drive on the opposite side can be dazzled. In many models, especially since the beginning of fashion for LEDs, the light is similar to the white in the center of the "sheaf", but on its edges, it sparkles in all the colors of the arc -in sky.

Until now, the most sensible option among LEDs is the so-called "matrix" one. They are much more expensive and complicated, but thanks to this, they can turn off and light individual segments if necessary, and the driver does not have to turn off the traffic lights while driving at night. from the opposite direction.

In our opinion

Not all gold, which is LED. Without a doubt, it's the technology of the future, but it continues to grow – some models are disappointing. Bulbs? They will be irreplaceable for a long time, it is worth buying only branded ones.

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